Toronto Ryerson's Mattamy Athletics Centre + Loblaws at the Gardens | ?m | ?s | Ryerson University | Turner Fleischer

This may be redundant, but did they sell off all those seats? Or were they just thrown out? I'd have liked to get my hands on some for my uncles and dad.
They sold off some of the seats years ago when they first closed the Gardens.
Great pictures, androiduk. I find it amazing what they're starting to do on the inside now. I imagine that the design and engineering process for this project took quite a bit longer because of physical restrictions than most projects would.
Andro, thanks so much for posting these pictures. It is absolutely fascinating what they are doing.

Keep it up and thanks again.
I'd love to see the HHOF use MLG as a second location. Keep the current building just for the Cup and the displays for the players in the hall with rotating displays like the Habs 100th anniversary taking up the remainder. Move all the interactive games and stuff to MLG. Let the kids go to MLG and run around and shoot pucks at targets and skate on the ice.
They could link the two buildings by embedding the players' names in the sidewalk going up Yonge Street and turning on Carleton.

The two are VERY far apart from one another..
what about handicapped people? Or little kids...
That would be way too far to walk from one building of the HHOF to where the Stanley Cup is.. which is what half the people who go to the hall are there to see..
It would be a very good idea to have the hhof in Maple Leaf Gardens, cause then it would be in a building that would have some sort of significance to hockey, instead of being in a bank..
It's not a 'bank' now. It's a lovely old heritage building that has been successfully repurposed. Obviously MLG would have made a great choice for the HHOF but as it is the plans that are underway will likely become another example of a successfully repurposed building so everybody wins.
Doesn't anyone proof read anymore???

Quote from the article:

...The one big difference will be that fans in the newly created third-floor arena will be much closer to the tresses that once sat high above the ice.

Tresses? TRESSES??? That is a hairdo. I believe the author meant TRUSSES.

Dear GAWD the computer and the internet have killed the English language!

Well, even if they didn't proof read the piece, our internal spellchecker handled it just fine. I would be much more annoyed if a newspaper present inaccurate info instead. Besides isn't what you've just posted (all caps, GAWD and ???) an exemplar of your thesis? :)

^ Always the smart ass... Actually it is an acronym and therefore must be in capital letters.

As well, I am not a highly paid editor at a national newspaper, who professes to bring truth to the masses. If we can't expect a certain level of accuracy in a national newspaper, then you are right, we should just let it all go to hell in a hand basket.
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^ Always the smart ass... Actually it is an acronym and therefore must be in capital letters.

As well, I am not a highly paid editor at a national newspaper, who professes to bring truth to the masses. If we can't expect a certain level of accuracy in a national newspaper, then you are right, we should just let it all go to hell in a hand basket.

If Canada was as British as some Canadians would like, acronyms wouldn't be capitalized. Nato isn't capitalized there.
Canadian English strikes me as archaic and regressive. There is no reason for the 'u' in colour or the 're' in theatre save pretence or the political meaning we confer to these things in a 'see, we're not American!' kind of way. Pathetic. Language in general has a natural tendency to economize, simplify and become more logical as it evolves, which is what American usage exemplifies. Freezing language through over-codification does nothing in the long run be make it increasingly irrelevant... like French.
Getting totally OT - If you really want to talk about economizing language, u would b txting on ut. What you've typed out in your last post is by your own standard "archaic and regressive".

Besides, aren't you the one bemoaning the lack of attention to heritage?

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