Architect: bKL Architecture
Address: 6 Dawes Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 3
Height: 453 ft / 138.10 mStoreys: 39 storeys
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Toronto Rushden Station | 138.1m | 39s | Fitzrovia | bKL Architecture

Not that much activity here..........on February 26th, 2024:


So that got me wondering..............


That is not the only Refusal..........indeed, there are several.

More than I've seen in a long time.

Not sure what's going on over at the Arch. Firm.....but yikes.
I was wondering why this hasn't started. Everything needed to drill caissons holes manufacture rebar cages and drop them in the holes has been on site for a couple weeks now.
Lots of activity here today, with shoring in progress on March 13th, 2024:





I talked to some folks on site, who seem under the impression they got their permits a few days ago.

I should note, that this is not reflected on the City's site.

I also gather Mx has been an unholy pain to deal with here.
East block.JPG

Does anyone know what the plan for this portion of the development is? Is that where the community centre is planned?
View attachment 548259
Does anyone know what the plan for this portion of the development is? Is that where the community centre is planned?

There is no plan for a Community Centre in this development any longer. A new location has not yet been determined.
