Toronto Ripley's Aquarium of Canada | 13.11m | 2s | Ripley Entertainment | B+H

So, what's the rush? Why do we want an aquarium? Because everyone else has one? Makes us sound more like a spoiled toddler - "I want one too".

Or if it must be an aquarium, why not a design competition from world renown architects - make it special, unique.

The answer is as simple as saying that aquariums are fun. No, it won't be the most superlative aquarium in the world, but must it be for you to enjoy what it will offer? I'd certainly rather have a decent aquarium than none at all and I plan on visiting many times.
Everything about this project sounds cheesy to me (so far, at least). Wouldn't anything by Ripley be more appropriate for the Niagara area? Near Marineland perhaps?? Clifton Hill?
Everything about this project sounds cheesy to me (so far, at least). Wouldn't anything by Ripley be more appropriate for the Niagara area? Near Marineland perhaps?? Clifton Hill?

Even though it would technically be built and ran by Ripley's, it won't exactly be a "Believe It Or Not!" aquarium with 2 headed fish and whatnot..
There are many other Ripley's aquariums that aren't very cheesy at all.. Though I agree the gigantic Ripley's logo on the roof needs to go..
This is the part that bothered me about Ripley's. They're known for cheesy tourist traps. I really wanted to see an aquarium with a research component, but for geographic reasons, Toronto just isn't that kind of city. As an entertainment venue, I'm sure it will be top notch.

I love visiting aquariums whenever there is one wherever I am in the world so I think that I'll be coming here pretty often, maybe even get a membership if they sell them.
The CN Tower is Toronto's single most important landmark. It is our Eiffel Tower. Can you imagine the French allowing something like this to be built at the foot of the Eiffel Tower? It would never happen and we should not let it happen here. If constructed this aquarium will destroy one of the best views of the Tower as seen from its base.
Look again Peepers. Go there, have a better look then get back to us.

...ok, I'll save you the trip. If you stand on Bremner in front of where this aquarium will go, there's a hill blocking the view down to the base of the CN Tower. The hill goes up pretty high, almost as high as the aquarium. We won't lose any view from what is there now.

That said, I wish the area around the CN Tower were made into a park with trails and water features that would connect with Roundhouse Park. Since that's not happening, I'm happy that tourists and Torontonians alike will have another reason to visit the base of the tower.This will be a catalyst to improve the infrastructure and landscaping down there. I look forward to it.
So I guess that means know one has any updates :p
Look again Peepers. Go there, have a better look then get back to us.

...ok, I'll save you the trip. If you stand on Bremner in front of where this aquarium will go, there's a hill blocking the view down to the base of the CN Tower. The hill goes up pretty high, almost as high as the aquarium. We won't lose any view from what is there now.

If you go to Google street view you will see that - yes - there is a slight grassy knoll but it does not obstruct much of the view of the Tower and you can actually stand on the knoll to enjoy an even better vantage point. The Aquarium will be much taller than this knoll. The only way that I see an Aquarium being built here is if it were Subterranean like the convention centre next door.
Why not? Because the biggest aquariums in the world are also research facilities that study fauna in the bodies of water on which they're located. Lake Ontario is not, nor will it ever be an ideal location to study this science -- at least not to the level that it can justify a massive facility.

The Georgia aquarium - the largest aquarium in the world - is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Do you even know where Atlanta Georgia is?
^Now, now, no need to get snippy. However, just to add a further note along the same line, the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is on a lake, so something similar could conceivably be done here.
Yes the Shedd aquarium in Chicago is a tremendous facility as far as aquariums go. I'm not big on the location of this proposal, nor the Ripley's logo- which generates images of funhouses and mummified mermaids, but ultimately I'm for it considering the many failed attempts TO has had getting an aquarium.
Why this obsession to get an aquarium built? Besides, the best location for one is in Burlington on the Skyway causeway between Burlington Bay and Hamilton harbour.

As for the CN Tower I'm on board with the Paris concept, and like the idea of a beautiful vista down to the lake, if possible. Maybe with some sort of 'Palais Chaillot'-type cultural centre incorporated into the plan.
I can't disagree more that Burlington is the best location. Niagara Falls is a good location, and downtown Toronto is a good location. It needs to be located where vacationing / stay-cationing people are already located.
Why this obsession to get an aquarium built? Besides, the best location for one is in Burlington on the Skyway causeway between Burlington Bay and Hamilton harbour.

Well then we WILL get a "Believe It Or Not!" Aquarium!
The 2 headed fish and 3 eyed inhabitants of Hamilton Harbour..
I can't disagree more that Burlington is the best location. Niagara Falls is a good location, and downtown Toronto is a good location. It needs to be located where vacationing / stay-cationing people are already located.

Well, Burlington/Hamilton wouldn't be best for a Ripley-styled aquarium. It'd be best for an Ontario Science Centre/Science North-styled aquarium...
