Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox

I hope this doesn't turn out to be another debacle like RBC where we were expecting a slant but it never came. So far, every week we're like "I'm sure the slant will start on the next level", but it never comes....

The change in forms between the hotel and residential portions of the structure was carried out on the 22nd through 23 floors with the 'slant' starting shortly thereafter.

I don't understand the comment that we were expecting a slant on RBC? There was never any 'slant' planned for that structure, so why would anyone expect one to appear?
I had thought for the longest time that there was supposed to be a slant to the RBC Centre as well, but then I realized it was render trickery. We've seen it all before. Here is an example:

I notice there isn't a ghastly, white-pannelled mechanical penthouse on top of the RBC podium in the image, either.

Indeed - and even if they had to put that mechanical space in, couldn't they have at least cladded it with that milky-translucent glass used at the podium? Even some residential projects (Murano, Regent Park) handled it better than that did.

I still don't see a slant... maybe it's the angle of the artistic impression in the rendering, but that doesn't show any angle except the part in the lower floors that was built similar to the rendering - but there wouldn't be a slant going outwards on the east face of the building anyway as it's built to the property line. Also any of the city documents and blueprints or floorplate leasing plans don't show any kind of slant - therefore no one should expect one to just suddenly appear.
I am not sure what the "debacle like RBC" is either. There was never any slant and the angles in the render are quite apparent in the final built structure.
There was no debacle. Some people brought up this discrepancy (the perceived slant in the rendering versus the flat building in reality) very early during RBC's construction. The consensus was that the rendering uses a skewed wide-angle perspective that gives the impression of a slant.

It's one of many instances where someone looks at rendering and expects a big curve or slant in a building, but ignores the fact that each floor would have to be a different shape to achieve the "angle" as per the rendering.
just looking at this capture from the webcam, I think you can see the indent taking shape on the left (south side)....from the original render, the indentation was about 1/4 of the width of the building, which would put it about where what looks like the 'interior' wall is taking shape.....

^ I thought it was getting awfully late in the game (now 23+ floors) without seeing the expected set-back.... but I forgot just how tall the Ritz is with the equivalent of 5 or 6 more floors above level 53 (presumably the last inhabited floor).

The model does indeed show the set-back around 23 storeys so the tower has a long way to go.

yep....684 ft per UT's 400' list....that's 84 ft. taller than RBC, and more than 100 ft. taller than Success Tower....

here's the image cropped & zoomed slightly...hopefully now that they are past this key floor, construction pace will pick up again...

Right now they're working on the columns of the 24th floor. According to the model, the flare out will begin on the 28th floor.
