Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox that the first glass curtainwall we have seen on the tower?
Are you guys serious?? That is the same thing that went up on the BA Centre-and I would imagine we will see i wrap around the tower soon enough. It is only 5 degrees today, so imagine what it is like to work 60, 80 or even 400 feet up in the air when the cold wind is all around you- burr!

wow ... I hope all of you are just joking above ... otherwise some might be in need of new glasses : - )

Like the above comment that's not the glass or protective covering. Chill out.
lmao... this is exactly the kind of thing goin on at the 1 bloor post. Some people around here have such an excruciatingly negative outlook about everything in this city that we are now starting to see hallucinations. Its like some people constantly expect projects that have hope to completely bomb out of nowhere. I really cannot understand how anyone could honestly believe that was an image of the curtain wall being installed. Give you're heads a shake guys, and take off your fecal coloured glasses. :eek:
I agree it's probably protection like BA has. Saying that, I wonder how they will handle the larger floor plates the higher up it goes. I'm pretty sure the protective wall (for lack of a better term) slides up on tracks. The tracks would have to arc outwards, with the wall not quite vertical.
Actually I think we're all confused ... the glass they are referring to is not the panels on the upper portion of the building ... have a look at the lower portion there seems to be a little strip of glass.
October 4


