Toronto RBC WaterPark Place III | 140.2m | 30s | Oxford Properties | WZMH

Yes it was, as stated in our front page story from last week!

No, I was wondering "why" it was removed from the design. I did indeed read the story that said it was removed. I'm curious as to why.
Sorry, misread you then.

I believe that it was deemed ultimately unnecessary. By cancelling the road, it also gives the park a better chance of being a people-friendly place. The success of the park is also contingent upon the circular ramp coming down too. I'm keen to see the City go forward with the replacement of the York/Bay/Yonge ramps with the Simcoe ramp - - - the sooner, the better.

Feb. 06

Ugh, on the same page.

Sorry, misread you then.

I believe that it was deemed ultimately unnecessary. By cancelling the road, it also gives the park a better chance of being a people-friendly place. The success of the park is also contingent upon the circular ramp coming down too. I'm keen to see the City go forward with the replacement of the York/Bay/Yonge ramps with the Simcoe ramp - - - the sooner, the better.


They shoula developed a tall, skinny tower on the east end of the site and allowed the unshaded area in the middle to be part of a large park/plaza (if the off rap is indeed to be removed). right now it looks like this will be just another big, dead block on the waterfront next to a dark, sad park (maybe).
