Toronto Rail Deck Development | 239.43m | 72s | Fengate | Sweeny &Co

Every time I see a "Toronto is getting" BlogTO headline my blood pressure goes up a notch. Often or even perhaps usually the things they declare Toronto is "getting" (the gross acquisitive connotations of that word itself drive me up the wall) aren't even set in stone or reliably even a good bet to be happening at all.

To be fair, the blog had planned to use the moniker DreamTO but may have lost a copyright challenge from a very active developer.

Every time I see a "Toronto is getting" BlogTO headline my blood pressure goes up a notch. Often or even perhaps usually the things they declare Toronto is "getting" (the gross acquisitive connotations of that word itself drive me up the wall) aren't even set in stone or reliably even a good bet to be happening at all. Unclear how the management of BlogTO thinks this kind of thing is ethical publishing at all. It actively creates disinformation and bad discourse. They should be ashamed of how they run their business and reflect on their choices around what they will do for attention and what they are adding to the world.

Couldn't agree with you more on both points. They're an absolute disgrace.
I like how they're talking like it's a certain project that's going to proceed. Is this site reputable? Or is it just like a BlogTO version of construction news?
I like how they're talking like it's a certain project that's going to proceed. Is this site reputable? Or is it just like a BlogTO version of construction news?
I'd wager that a site called "Global Construction Review" would rather talk about highrises than public services. And given the apparent lack of research into the proposal...
Nice Video:cool: ............

Looking @ that video, if this gets passed it would probably be one of this city's largest development accomplishments of the century
It sure would be an accomplishment, extorting land and money from the public for a development that will likely never be built. Also those rendered buildings are hideous and busy.

Every time I come on this thread I’m hoping it’s because ORCA has lost its appeal and not for more of its ridiculous propaganda.
It sure would be an accomplishment, extorting land and money from the public for a development that will likely never be built. Also those rendered buildings are hideous and busy.

Every time I come on this thread I’m hoping it’s because ORCA has lost its appeal and not for more of its ridiculous propaganda.
Yes! My thoughts exactly!
