Toronto Rail Deck Development | 239.43m | 72s | Fengate | Sweeny &Co

Yes, the City clams to own a strip along the entire south side of Front (save for the property that Metrolinx owns at the southwest corner of Front and Spadina), and along the entire north side of CityPlace (North Linear Park). They also own the Puente de Luz.

What ever happens it's going to really beautify that's area. Its would look even better if the tracks were covered from the Don river right to the Exhibition area!
Honestly, I feel like The Well and adjacent development projects along Front and Wellington between Spadina and Portland will do a lot more for the area than this park will.

The greenspace will be very welcomed complement of course.
Usually when people are upset about condos etc. they flood public meetings. No one from UT went to this at all? Surprising.
I get the impression that this is nothing more than an exercise in extortion. They will never get permission to build this proposal on the site, so why even bother giving this attention?
I just don’t take this seriously. It’s hard to have opinions on something that seems so far from reality. With that said I have the same issues with the rail deck park proposal too. Would be great but at this stage they just seem like lofty ideas.
i don't know? let's see what comes out of this, maybe this (ORCA) will never get off the ground but i still don't believe that the city has the means to build this linear rail-deck park on its own
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The video commercial has been all over the tube, it specifically states that the city does not own air rights over the rail corridor and has no funds to build it unless it rely s on the taxpayer...very aggressive and people are paying attention to this
Wouldn't ORCA have to operate from City owned lands to actually construct anything, should that even be viable? Why would they want to start a PR campaign against their needed future partner?
Wouldn't ORCA have to operate from City owned lands to actually construct anything, should that even be viable? Why would they want to start a PR campaign against their needed future partner?
Because they have no intent of building this. This is an exercise to maximize expropriation value from the city.
