Toronto Rêve | ?m | 14s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

From today





Do you guys know why Rêve is turning that DARK? It's now black and definitely doesn't look like the model they had during the sale event... Not to be negative about it, but I really don't like the color selection of those windows!

We're facing the south and no direct sunlight... I wonder how those almost "opaque black" windows are going to affect how much natural light we'll be able to get!

If Tridel wanted to stand out with this window selection, geez, it does stand out as the ugly duckling so far! Hopefully that won't be the end product!! Any other thoughts on that?
The windows are just way too dark. Doesn't look like any sunlight will be able to pass in. Also what is the point of those little balcony's? Absolutely useless. Should have just built french balcony's

Otherwise looks pretty std design on the outside
My boyfriend purchased a condo at Reve King West (on the 5th floor) and the condo will be facing west. Do you guys know if other project are going to be built to block some of the natural light (on the west side of Reve). I have read a few things just now but I wanted this to be confirmed.
My boyfriend purchased a condo at Reve King West (on the 5th floor) and the condo will be facing west. Do you guys know if other project are going to be built to block some of the natural light (on the west side of Reve). I have read a few things just now but I wanted this to be confirmed.

Contact Councilor Adam Vanghan and let him include you in his mailing list. I believe there is a public meething for this project soon.
I heard somewhere Freed bought the property on the NE corner of Front and Bathurst for an insane amount of money. To make a development on that property profitable, I'm sure they will be building pretty big and tall.

I agree that there is way too much black going on.
During the early stage of cladding it didn't look so bad and didn't look as dark, but now it is a giant black hole in the neighborhood.
I can't image the amount of heat that building will absorb and radiate in the summer. Maybe that's why the balconies are so tiny.
I actually like the dark glass and the staggered balconies, the colour and massing makes for a nice change from the green and beige point towers at CP, some of which are looking rather chintzy and suburban.
I like it too. It stands out. Not that I would want to live there with those dark windows though, not for me.
I think the glazing is too dark, which doesn't help to provide some visual relief to its overall massing. It is a long building and the dark colour makes it seem very imposing.
I also like it. I'll take black over grey any day. Wait until it's finished and more colour is added to this building. It will make a huge difference.
