Toronto QRC West (Queen Richmond Centre West) | 71.93m | 17s | Allied | Sweeny &Co

ING is indeed looking to move downtown - at present they are up at Steeles and the 400 in a 10-12 story, of which they occupy almost all of it (120,000 SF). They do have an issue though, that a large portion of their workforce are 905ers, which they have said could be a determining factor. However, all financial institutions are downtown which makes them feel rather out of the loop/game in Markham. I could see this being an appropriate move for ING, as it would allow for consolidation of their GTA workforce, but also allow for a bit of expansion flexibility.
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ING is indeed looking to move downtown - at present they are up at Steeles and the 400 in a 10-12 story, of which they occupy almost all of it (120,000 SF). They do have an issue though, that a large portion of their workforce are 905ers, which they have said could be a determining factor. However, all financial institutions are downtown which makes them feel rather out of the loop/game in Markham. I could see this being an appropriate move for ING, as it would allow for consolidation of their GTA workforce, but also allow for a bit of expansion flexibility.

I'm curious, any idea why they want to move ? Though yes I'm sure a large protion of their current workforce at that specific location do live in the 905 ... well or the outer 416 around their current office.

Secondoly, they are not in Markham ... they're in Toronto ..., the building they occupy is south of Steeles (just south of it). It was that special build tech office about 8/10 years ago I believe (maybe more) suppose to have 2 phases but that never paned out.
ING is currently in two buildings: 111 Gordon Baker and 3389 Steeles East (southside, between Hwy 404 and Vic Park). The Steeles location is an 11-storey office building that was Phase II of the Steelestech (Steeles Technology Campus) development. Phase I was a 4-storey office building now occupied by a tech company that develops/builds debit/credit card terminals for retail stores. A third phase is planned, but won't probably be built for some time. I believe Sprint was the main tenant of the 11-storey building when it was first built.
I'm curious, any idea why they want to move ? Though yes I'm sure a large protion of their current workforce at that specific location do live in the 905 ... well or the outer 416 around their current office.

Secondoly, they are not in Markham ... they're in Toronto ..., the building they occupy is south of Steeles (just south of it). It was that special build tech office about 8/10 years ago I believe (maybe more) suppose to have 2 phases but that never paned out.

Why do they want to move? Well, I believe I said in my previous post that they wanted to be closer to the banking action, and younger people in the downtown, maintaining their dynamic image. However their present landlord would like to keep them where they are..without spending very much money as always. Sadly, the 111 Gordon Baker buildings are rather bland and uninteresting inside, and will require a lot of work to be more suitable to an open office layout, amongst other things. Furthermore, the tenants (ING) feel that this is not in keeping with their current image and has rather little curb-appeal - see the following: ING HQ Amsterdam.

I think something like this building, would be more in keeping with their dynamic approach to banking etc. They would almost certainly have a good opportunity to insert one of their ING Cafes - which would be a great for their brand/image.

To your point taal- yes, they are in Toronto and NOT Markham - albeit, 1km south of the Markham border...So Markham...would suffice I would think.

Why do they want to move? Well, I believe I said in my previous post that they wanted to be closer to the banking action, and younger people in the downtown, maintaining their dynamic image. However their present landlord would like to keep them where they are..without spending very much money as always. Sadly, the 111 Gordon Baker buildings are rather bland and uninteresting inside, and will require a lot of work to be more suitable to an open office layout, amongst other things. Furthermore, the tenants (ING) feel that this is not in keeping with their current image and has rather little curb-appeal - see the following: ING HQ Amsterdam.

I think something like this building, would be more in keeping with their dynamic approach to banking etc. They would almost certainly have a good opportunity to insert one of their ING Cafes - which would be a great for their brand/image.

To your point taal- yes, they are in Toronto and NOT Markham - albeit, 1km south of the Markham border...So Markham...would suffice I would think.


Thanks for the explanation, makes sense!

I'm curious how the building just south of steeles attracted tenants, you'll note there are very few office buildings on the south side of steeles (directly) compared to the north.
Generally taxes and the like factor in here considering their steps within the 905. So I'm curious as to what incentives they used as we should apply it elsewhere.

Though the fact the 3rd building never took off is a sure sign that whatever they did wasn't repeatable.

155 Gordon Baker Road was hard hit when hummingbird left it for the second office building in downtown markham center.
I have been to this ING Building twice with a friend while she was running an errand, All i have to say is its a Bitch to get yourself onto that street, very confusing
June 23
Eastern Construction will be the contractor doing the work on this project. Fences are up.


1st stage is the bracing of 4 sided walls with interior demo of existing slabs, then reno of interior building.

Yeah, it looks like for now they are just going with the renovation and retrofit of the existing structure at 134 Peter Street.

QRC West

When it initiated the pre-leasing of the first phase of QRC West in January of 2010, Allied estimated that 12-18 months would be required to secure a lead-tenant. Despite the encouraging level of interest demonstrated by prospective office tenants, Allied is not currently negotiating with a prospective lead-tenant and will require additional time to achieve the level of pre-leasing necessary to commence new construction

Allied remains fully committed to both phases of the QRC West intensification project. It has decided to proceed with the renovation and retrofit of the existing structure at 134 Peter Street. This work has to be completed in any event, and it will put Allied in a position to complete the new construction within the shortest possible timeframe once an appropriate level of pre-leasing is achieved.
That's too bad. I'm really looking forward to this one. I think it'll spawn at least a few copycats too, which definitely wouldn't be a bad thing.
