Toronto Portland Commons | 71.7m | 15s | Carttera | Sweeny &Co

More pre-construction site preparation - utility line work for the heritage portion of the building being incorporated into the new development.

More site preparation activities - banners now up announcing office space occupancy planned for 2023 (well - we shall see about that date later...).

Also, just to the right of the banner, at the south end of the existing excavation, Ellis Don was on site with a bobcat digging around and exposing a pre-existing City water service connection for use during the construction process.

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Mote site preparation activities - banners now up announcing office space occupancy planned for 2023 (well - we shall see about that date later...).

Also, just to the right of the banner, at the south end of the existing excavation, Ellis Don was on site with a bobcat digging around and exposing a pre-existing City water service connection for use during the construction process.

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No, that's just a sign advertising the "Coming 2024" sign they plan to install in 2023!
yay! what's this machine?
It is a shoring machine, to drill the shoring caisson holes - the first stage of constructing the retaining wall structure that goes around the excavation's perimeter to prevent the ground around it from collapsing into the excavation.

The fencing around the excavation where the basement of 552 Front Street building has been removed - the fencing sections are piled up in the north-east corner of what is left of those buildings. Next step - back-fill of the below-grade areas to provide a flat and stable base for the shoring equipment for its work. Anticipate trucks coming in from a nearby site that has suitable backfill material to fill in the hole - maybe from the King Toronto site, which is also an Ellis Don project.
