Mississauga Pinnacle Uptown: Crystal Condominiums | 167m | 28s | Pinnacle | Richmond Architects

The first 2 towers go before the Planning and Development on Nov 30 at 7:00pm or there about depending where it is on the list.
Project refused

Project refused at tonight meeting in the name of traffic, NIMBY and no LRT for 15 years.

I said it time to put the wall up around the city to stop people moving to it if it cannot support a pro-transit project.

It no good talking about density until you deal with traffic and enforcing policy by saying you are only allow 1 car and not show up on moving day with 2 or more.

If this development cannot support traffic than what the sense of build the core when traffic cannot handle what there now.

I said to the developer he count on me at an OMB hearing supporting this development.

2 refusal in one night and a track record....................OH!! running for reelection has started and it not even 2010.
Looks like Carolyn Parrish is starting to make an impact. I had a feeling it would happen.

This one starts with Frank Dale as it is in his ward and he think density should be in the City core only. He refused to see mid density on Confederation in the planning stage years ago.

Next comes Eva Adams as she does support it but only after there is High Order of Transit as too many of her residents complain about close doors.

Hazel said LRT is only a pipe dream and she is still waiting for the $50 million to finish her BRT. She better start worry about the extra cost that will a raise when tenders are call next year as that $50m is a drop in the bucket. I said in 2004 they were $150m short. She went on blaming the Province for this place to grow as they should given the city the money to help to do it.

The City should if they are dumb or screw it up, get $10 back if not more for every $1 they invest in this corridor.

Everyone bitch about traffic and staff was on the opposite side of council even on that.

The report is here and the build doesn't look that bad at all.

Parrish was not vocal like she was the last time on it.
Mississauga has been screwing up along Hurontario between 403 and Matheson for a while now. It is as if they initially decided that Hurontario would be high density then medium-low density then high density, then medium-low density, then high, then high commercial, then medium-low.

Acorn Place has high rises in the backyard of detached homes and townhomes on Hurontario. Common sense would have the tallest buildings directly against Hurontario, townhouses further in, and lastly detached homes... not townhomes, tall buildings, detached homes.

Strathaven has high rises but next door and across the street is townhomes... but on Glenn Hawthorne they allowed a high-rise not fronting Hurontario.

It seems like it alternates between high-rise and low-rise rather than going the compromise route of mid-rise. With the precedent that has been set it would be hard to argue that anything really doesn't fit in. On a short stretch there is examples of every use except industrial... gas station, retail, high-rise residential, low-rise residential, office, and farm.
Phase 1 render:

I could do without those peaks - maybe just on one and not both - but the overall design is pretty good aside from one major thing... the ground floor residential facing Eglinton, next to a gas station. Really!?

Make it retail/service and it's ideal. The higher first floor can accommodate some nice signs and awnings and the setback offers enough room for a patio, should a coffee shop be put in.
I hate that gas station. It should be moved. Gas stations should not be allowed on the corners or major intersections like this.
I'm noticing. I can't wait to find out which architect to attach to a spit.

I said part of what I had to say at council today in support of this development. I hammer away at traffic as that the big issue.

The matter is been refer back to Planning and Development in the new year.

Frank Dale has made it quit he wants to see 20% reduction and more green space.

Correct me if I'm wrong, what green space does Absolute complex has as I have seen next to none?

I said to the developer they need to use Absolute to show their density is less than Absolute and it is at a major intersection also.

Will get together with the developer also in the new year.

Lots of pot shot taking place at council today to the point they broke for lunch at 2:30 and only haft way done.
