Toronto Pan Am Village in the West Don Lands | ?m | ?s | DundeeKilmer | KPMB

Wow stunning. Do any of you think they might be behind?

I don't think so. My feeling is that they are right on schedule...because they plan on getting all the buildings completed by the end of 2014....well ahead of the Games.

Foundations of buildings seem to take forever, but these buildings are all on the rise. Looking forward to cladding and windows being installed.


argg but the nicest buildings are cut ! i.e. the ones fronting the park !
The KPMB building on the north-west corner of Front and Bayview is under construction now. The buildings that were cut were blocks 11 and 16 according to the elevations posted above. Both were to be by Enrique Norten and his firm TEN ARQUITECTOS of Mexico City / NYC.
Now that's a nice spring time shot. Nice to see the snow gone...for now.

According to the Toronto Star article today, they are ahead of schedule with the Pan Am Village :)
I never got the impression the park was going to be all that big, but from that last picture it looks like it's going to be huge!
