Toronto Pace Condos | 146.3m | 42s | Great Gulf | Diamond Schmitt




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While a dentist office has taken over some of the Dundas frontage, an espresso bar is opening on the corner of Jarvis & Dundas.
While a dentist office has taken over some of the Dundas frontage, an espresso bar is opening on the corner of Jarvis & Dundas.

The dental office is disappointing, because they do so little to animate the street, they're even worse, IMO than banks or dry cleaners. The Pita Land isn't bad, and the espresso bar is promising. It's also applying for a liquor licence.
I find the ground level to feel very cramped here and the heavy, overbearing awnings make the effect even worse. Having good retailers is important, but right out of the gates this thing's ground level does not make for a nice experience at grade in my opinion.
Would it be that difficult to make it indoors though?

Outdoor pools get more use. The pool at Luna in CityPlace was always filled to capacity during the summer. Can't say the same about the indoor pools at any of the condos I've lived in or visited.
