Senior Member
Whatever they do it is very important that it not become another Toronto attraction.
This is an ONTARIO building built by and for the people of ONTARIO, not just Toronto and Ontario Place must reflect this. This must be a place that is for Ontarians and represents the province and just making it another entertainment building along a Toronto park is a slap in the face to all Ontarians outside Toronto.
Once something is built by and for Ontarian's as an Ontarian showpiece it must always have that as it's primary mandate. Ontario Place should never be viewed or used as a Toronto attraction no different than should Queen's Park.
Sure... it should be for everyone. But isn't this a bit of a weird statement? It is located in TORONTO, ONTARIO therefore it is both a TORONTO and ONTARIO attraction. Also... Queens park... though it serves a larger ONTARIO purpose is located in TORONTO and is therefore both a TORONTO and ONTARIO attraction.
I don't understand where you are going with this? I think it would be great if it got both provincial and city funding to get it up to par again. But I don't see how anyone's face is getting slapped.
perhaps I don't understand fully what you are trying to express here.