Developer: Infrastructure Ontario, Province of Ontario
Address: 955 Lake Shore Blvd W,, Toronto
Category: Institutional, Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

I saved for posterity a quote from an email I received nine years ago today from my then MPP (Trinity-Spadina), Han Dong: "Here's a few pictures taken from earlier today on what was an incredible unraveling of our plan to revitalize Ontario Place!" It was a memorable lapsus linguae.

I suppose there is no chance the actual unraveling most of us are wishing for will happen.
What was the unravelling & what were the pictures Han was referring to?
...the thing is this wouldn't be so bad if this where all a public greenhouse and bird atrium that's access comes with the cost of entering OP. Instead, it's a glass enclosed pigs trough that takes up absurd amount of public real estate. /sigh
Personally, I'd rather go to a nice spa and water park, than go to a greenhouse or bird atrium.
