Times are different than 1971 -- how to you draw people out? competitors for our personal time include rich television and internet content at home (we are more homebodies than before), and Canada Wonderland has the best ride-based amusement park that is unlikely to be surpassed in the GTA. What could be done would be a focus on Entertainment of all types aimed at the middle of the market -- Music venues, new theatre row (Canadian Broadway), a permanent Cirque presence, a Multicultural village (Epcot World Showcase), a nightclub/bar row that is well integrated into the nearby Stadium. A fountain or lightshow that could attract people each evening (I know it's not original, but effective). They could also create a Canadian "Beastmaster" show set (similar to American Ninja Warrior) where people can watch X-games being filmed for TV. Another type of place would be a Dave and Busters type place, a trampoline and laser tag place, a bowling alley. Whatever they do, the designers need to focus on synergy of all of these venues, rather than isolating them into silos. Guests need to be able to walk form one venue to another, so it needs to be porous. Perhaps most critical, it needs to be safe exciting, and lot of opportunities for people to watch other people. Also, OP really should be coordinated with Exhibition place very carefully (access is a major issue). It is unfortunate if political fights keep it from being the best it can be. It needs to make money because the days of big government spending on massive public projects are over. If a Casino is part of the mix to make it all happen, I'm okay with that, but the devil is in the details of how it is tied in to the other activities.
I think you're begging a series of questions...........including how much of draw we want the space to be?
Don't get me wrong.....I'm open to that, but I don't think it's essential across the board...........merely for Cinesphere and the pods, if you want those preserved, as I do.
I'm challenged here............in that I can think of different ways to look at the site and context............but in the scheme of grand spending priorities.........I struggle to rank this as a large one relative to a Relief Line......or RER or tackling the homeless issue etc.
Yes, we can walk and chew gum at the same time............but I'm not sure how much we should prioritize something grand here...........
Which should not be construed as an argument for anything bland, boring, boxy or kitschy.
I think it's crucial to resolve what happens w/Lake Shore and the relationship to the CNE site..........in order to assess how one might lay out space here.
My overall inclination..........Excepting the area around Cinesphere, the pods and one of the sets of restaurant type spaces.....................
I think I would go for a curated natural theme...............
It would be a great space to do a centrally located man made beach.........
Plus some coastal wetlands in other pockets,,,,,,,,
Forest a bunch of it..........and modify the amphitheater.....to give it more of a theatre in the forest kinda feel.....plus a natural 'adventure playground' for kids.......and how about a waterslide into the Lake.....(shh you liability lawyers)
Then restore the pods/Cinesphere. Use the pods to create a space that celebrates Ontario's social and scientific advances, including child-friendly shows that work w/that theme and lots of tech.
Bring back the paddle boats, but add canoes and kayaks.........and lessons for same.
Then create one main restaurant area...........low-rise, patio-focused.......and adjacent to water and forests..........
Leave Lake Shore where it is...........but cover the surface parking.........and 2 sections of Lake Shore.....to create wide (150m) bridges that have vegetation mixed w/urban streetscapes.
On the CNE side......keep the good stuff................
But make Princess Blvd Grand.............( I just mean nice promenade/streetscape, public space)
Don't do a Ferris Wheel............too damned copy cat..............
Instead......do only two rides................
One would be 'alpine way' but in a grander set-up and use it to create a link to the OP side.
The other would be to rebuild the Flyer roller coaster, albeit bigger and better.............but have the thing light up in a massive display each night........
And pretty please replace that awful food building with a better run pop-up focused food hall. (with good climate control, windows and skylights)
........just a thought......or two.