Developer: Infrastructure Ontario
Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop, NORR Architects & Engineers Limited
Address: 11 Centre Avenue, Toronto
Category: Institutional (Government)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 314 ft / 95.70 mStoreys: 17 storeys
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Toronto Ontario Court of Justice Toronto | 95.7m | 17s | Infrastructure ON | Renzo Piano

Maybe knowing Renzo Piano's on the other side might make WZMH produce a more interesting design.

Or maybe it'll just make them double down on producing the cheapest design possible in anticipation that the Renzo design will cost more.
It's disappointing this will be only a consolidation of the Ontario Court and not also Superior Court locations. It also only mentions criminal matters, and not family law matters.

Several subpar courthouses will remain in Toronto even when this project is complete, enough for a second large court consolidation at some point.
Looking at the list of Toronto courthouses to refresh my memory, based upon the current announcement I would assume the new courthouse will replace the following courthouses:

Old City Hall (130 Queen Street West)
Scarborough (1911 Eglinton Ave East)
College Park (444 Yonge)
North York (1000 Finch)
North York (2201 Finch)

It sounds like it will not replace the following courthouses, which are quite poor facilities:

Small Claims Court (47 Sheppard E. - There are also Ontario Court family matters heard here)
393 University (most Superior Court Civil matters hear here)

The courthouse at 311 Jarvis is a question mark, as it is Ontario Court with both criminal and family law matters. Maybe it will stay open for family law but not criminal.

Of course Osgoode Hall, 361 University (Superior Court) and the Commercial List at 330 University will not be replaced, but nor do they need to be.
Given that many (most?) Toronto counsel specialise, it is likely better to consolidate criminal (if that is where the greatest need is) rather than trying to put criminal and civil in the same building, then build another consolidated but civil optimised court (without need for prisoner holding etc.) elsewhere.
From the weekend. Not much going on here.



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This is a very similar update to the previous one noted on this thread (that one announced prequalification of bidders), but noting for posterity that the RFP has officially been released. The announcement of the chosen proponent is expected to come next fall. From IO:

Request for Proposals Released for New Toronto Courthouse Project
October 31, 2016
TORONTO - Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) have issued a request for proposals (RFP) to two prequalified teams to design, build, finance and maintain the new Toronto courthouse.

Teams invited to submit proposals were selected based on their design and construction capability, experience, facilities management capacity and the financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and complexity.

The following teams were prequalified and have been invited to submit formal proposals for the new Toronto courthouse project:

EllisDon Infrastructure
  • Developer: EllisDon Capital Inc.
  • Constructor: EllisDon Design Build Inc.
  • Design Team: Renzo Piano Building Workshop and NORR Limited
  • Facilities Management: EllisDon Facilities Services Inc. and SNC Lavalin O&M
  • Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.
Plenary Justice
  • Developer: Plenary Group (Canada) Ltd.
  • Constructor: PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
  • Design Team: WZMH Architects, Perkins Eastman and CGL RicciGreene
  • Facilities Management: Johnson Controls Inc.
  • Financial Advisor: TD Securities Inc.
Once submissions are received, IO and MAG will evaluate the proposals, select a preferred bidder and then negotiate a final contract. A fairness monitor will oversee the entire process and the successful bidder is expected to be announced in fall 2017.

Located steps from St. Patrick subway station, directly north of the courthouse at 361 University Avenue, the new courthouse will bring together many of Toronto's Ontario Court of Justice criminal courts operating across the city. Amalgamation of justice programs and services will reduce operational and facilities costs, and increase efficiency.

The new courthouse's design will be modern and accessible with features such as:
  • Video conferencing to allow witnesses to appear from remote locations and in-custody individuals to appear from detention facilities
  • Closed-circuit television to enable children and other vulnerable witnesses to appear before the court from a private room
  • Courtroom video/audio systems to allow counsel to display video evidence recorded in various formats and for the simultaneous viewing of evidence
  • A single point of entry with magnetometers, baggage scanners, continuous video surveillance, and separate corridors for judiciary, members of the public and the accused for security reasons
  • Barrier-free access
IO and MAG are working together to build the new Toronto Courthouse, which will be publicly owned and controlled.

Ontario is making the largest investment in public infrastructure in the province's history-about $160 billion over 12 years-which is supporting 110,000 jobs every year across the province with projects such as hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and transit. Since 2015, the province has announced support for more than 475 projects that will keep people and goods moving, connect communities and improve quality of life. To learn more about infrastructure projects in your community, go to

Quick Facts

  • IO is leading the project on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General.
  • The project is being delivered using IO's Alternative Financing and Procurement model, an innovative way of financing and procuring large, complex public infrastructure projects, with a track record of being 98 per cent on budget to date.
  • Last year, IO led an archaeological excavation of the new Toronto courthouse site that recovered many artifacts, mainly from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • In early 2016, IO and MAG convened a Heritage Interpretation Working Group to provide an open forum to seek consultation and advice which will inform the Heritage Interpretation Plan for the new Toronto courthouse.
  • As a first step for heritage interpretation, IO will be installing artwork on construction fencing for the new Toronto courthouse to help commemorate the downtown site's rich cultural history.
  • Amalgamating several courts into one state-of-the-art facility reduces the government's overall footprint and helps ensure the province's real estate portfolio is sustainable, accessible and efficient.
  • The courthouse will be designed to meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver standard with a focus on energy efficiency, healthy indoor environments and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The new courthouse will be located at 11 Centre Avenue, bordered by Chestnut and Armoury Streets.
- See more at:
Why does the thread title include WZMH if it's not yet known if The Plenary Group team has been selected (and let's hope they won't be!)?
Why does the thread title include WZMH if it's not yet known if The Plenary Group team has been selected (and let's hope they won't be!)?
Because they have been working on the early part of the process.

No. The RFP process started in post #218 above won't result in a winning team until the Fall of 2017.

