Developer: Infrastructure Ontario
Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop, NORR Architects & Engineers Limited
Address: 11 Centre Avenue, Toronto
Category: Institutional (Government)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 314 ft / 95.70 mStoreys: 17 storeys
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Toronto Ontario Court of Justice Toronto | 95.7m | 17s | Infrastructure ON | Renzo Piano

I worked the the Supreme Court of Ontario in the 80s and that was an empty lot then! I recall a conversation then that this was to be a courthouse. This seems like ancient history to me. I had very big hair then!
This explains it:

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Permit Issued
Location: 11 CENTRE AVE
Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 16 249947 BLD 00 BA Issued Date: Dec 9, 2016
Project: Other Shoring
Description: Proposal to excavate and install shoring with rakers for future couthouse (16 127424 STE)
Thanks! Glad that this is moving along. Can't wait for the designs to be released.
Well yea, the province is the only one who doesn't technically need municipal approval to build what they want. They usually do get it, but they don't need to.

The Feds often don't even offer that pleasure to the city, and just build what they want.
On the other hand, the private sector can get away with digging and not completing 5, 10, 20 years down the 10 Dundas E.

Then there was the old BA stub
Building Application Status

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Permit Issued

Location: 11 CENTRE AVE

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 16 249947 BLD 00 BA Issued Date: Dec 9, 2016

Project: Other Shoring

Description: Proposal to excavate and install shoring with rakers for future couthouse (16 127424 STE)

BA Building Inspection Pt3
Inspection De Francesca, Anthony
Then there was the old BA stub

For those who may not be aware, prior to development of the current buildings in the Bay Adelaide Centre, an earlier development had been started around 1990, with excavation and construction of the below ground levels being completed, and a six or seven story centre core / elevator well section being built. The project was abandoned in 1993, leaving behind the centre core piece, generally referred to as 'the stub'. The stub remained as such for many years, until development of the Bay Adelaide West tower was built, at which time the stub was demolished. The underground parking garage, and the walkway between Scotia Plaza and The Bay were opened at some point after the initial project reached grade, and remained open through the duration of the stub's existence, and the subsequent construction of the Bay Adelaide Centre west tower, and more recently, the Deloitte building.
By heading into the ground now, the province gets a head start on the building, even if not all the details are set of the areas above ground yet. The City is not interested in extending the lease on the courtrooms at Old City Hall (without looking it up right now, IIRC, they run out 2020), so they need to get going to avoid an extension that no one wants.

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