Toronto One Sherway | ?m | 32s | Menkes | P + S / IBI


Snapped that yesterday afternoon. Hard to imagine that this will be 32 stories followed by a second tower at 26 stories since there are no other tall buildings anywhere near! I hope many more of these pop up around there so that it won't feel so isolated.

This is actually the shorter of the two...
Picture Perfect

The fact that you worked here somehow makes the pictures even more special. I wondered how you got those great pictures from the top looking down, but for some reason it never occured to me that it was someone working on the building. D'oh.

Thanks again for taking the time and the initiative to capture the building in process. Is it possible to download them and if so, would you mind?

Betty, VDub was quoting other members' posts from earlier in the thread. The photos are by Vegeta Skyline (who was a security guard working at the site and took the views from the top), and Towered. The quoted credits are at the beginning of each post.

when Towers 3+4 goes up One Sherway will surely look more complete and less 'isolated' :)
Spotted some earth moving happening along Evans while driving by recently. I'm assuming excavation for tower 3 has begun.
these towers kind of reminds me of Spectrum in NYCC and the first two towers of Pinnacle Centre ~ I do like that entrance podium though :)

One Sherway Tower 1


One Sherway Tower 2

Entrance Podium Connection Towers 1+2

according to One Sherway's staff, construction of Tower 3 is 'expected' to begin in Fall 2009 ... she didn't sound very firm though IMO
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Looks like fall for tower 3 was the launch date rather than construction. Here is tower 3:

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This one feels "chubby" comparing to the other two already built which turned out pretty good... Not sure I like it. They should have gone with slimmer and higher which is more appropriate for that area (i.e. mall parking lot)

Looks like tower 3 was the launch date rather than construction. Here is tower 3:

Actually, Tower 3 didn't make it out of sales, not enough demand at the prices they were asking. So what they are launching now is technically the shorter "tower 4" (not sure if they are calling it "phase 3" or what) which is only around 19 storeys as opposed to 28.

Their "plan" is to excavate the site for both towers (they will share underground parking and common facilities), market tower 4 and then try to sell the remaining inventory in tower 3 as their "final phase".

And yes, towers 3/4 mirror towers 1/2.
i popped into the opening over the weekend on sunday when i was at the mall and there was a whole bunch of people at the sales center. It looks like they sold 80% for tower 4. Design looks really nice and the future park in front will blend in well with the whole sherway gardens area. I like it, the towers look elegant and modest without standing out like a sorethumb since are no tall buildings around that area.
Actually, Tower 3 didn't make it out of sales, not enough demand at the prices they were asking. So what they are launching now is technically the shorter "tower 4" (not sure if they are calling it "phase 3" or what) which is only around 19 storeys as opposed to 28.

Their "plan" is to excavate the site for both towers (they will share underground parking and common facilities), market tower 4 and then try to sell the remaining inventory in tower 3 as their "final phase".

Ooo now I get it ... so the 28s tower 3 has been temporaily suspended and the tower 4 is moving forward first ~
thanks for the explaination WIP !

MODs ... a thought ~ :)
One Sherway (Menkes/Great Gulf, 32 + 26 + 28 + 19s, P+S)
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