Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Looks... awkward. :( ... but maybe it's just the blue colour. Just looks awkward and chunky-- trying to put curves and squared forms together. In real life I think it'd be better but... we'll see!

Is the rendering posted at the intersection much more clear than those on the website?

I agree. Further to SP!RE's question, does it show the podium?
looks interesting! wish they had shown us more.........
No indication of what the base is like.

Has it occurred to anyone that "Great Gulf!" sounds like an exclamation?

Great Gulf! Those are some curvy balconies!
Here's a screen grab of it.

Very well said. I agree completely. I always liked the idea of Yonge Street as a "valley" (rather than canyon) where towers give way to a 3-4 story historic streetscape.

Part of the joy of Toronto is the proximity of modestly scaled commercial fronts like these on Yonge Street - and modestly scaled Victorian neighbourhoods of semi and detached houses close to the downtown core. As we grow as a major city they'll be seen for their uniqueness compared to the more intensively developed walls of residential row housing and offices in the centres of the older major cities that many here admire and wish we were more like.
I think that the major problem with Yonge south of Bloor these days is that its organically-developed historical role was as a nightlife/entertainment neighbourhood. When nightclubs were forced out by the city, it was left without its primary source of vibrancy. Perhaps, in time, it will find a new role as a kind of connection between the retail strips of Bloor Street and the Eaton Centre area. Or maybe Toronto the Good will end the prohibition on nightlife. It would be interesting to see if Yonge ever reverts to its former role.
Whats with the birds in the rendering?

Its not a proper rendering. Rather its a screen shot of the opening video from their website.
That video shows a bit of the podium, or rather a series of balconies on the podium, but not the full height of the podium or how it meets the street.
Well, it's okay, but I was expecting something with a darker glass. Although, who am I kidding? Glass rarely ends up looking like the designs.
I definitely want to see more, and from more angles, including the podium/retail area.
I'm liking this first glimpse of Number One Bloor's exterior ... this looks WAY better than Bazis' 1 Bloor project!

I'm loving the curving lines created by the morphing shapes of the balconies ~


