Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Maybe it's just me, but I think Aqua in Chicago looks OK from up close ... you want to like it ... the design is interesting ... but it just doesn't come together. From far away where more of the glass is visible it's nice, particularly due to the contrast between it and the balconies.

After visiting Chicago earlier this year, I wholeheartedly agree. Same goes for the Marina Towers or whatever they are called.
After visiting Chicago earlier this year, I wholeheartedly agree. Same goes for the Marina Towers or whatever they are called.

Well those have a certain 'coolness' factor about them :)
Parking 20+ stories up (or whatever it is ).
^^ Your dream is for Toronto to have a clone of a building in Chicago? Perhaps you should dream bigger.

Another example... Now I understand why some people don't like posting here, specificially because of comments / members like this.

I've been a silent member for a couple years.
Another example... Now I understand why some people don't like posting here, specificially because of comments / members like this.

I've been a silent member for a couple years.

Quite a few people have actually been driven away before by the pretentiousness and condescension prevalent on these boards. Newcomers aren't very welcome here (I was here as a reader long before I became a member, and actually left for a while because I got sick of it).

On that note, welcome to UT! :)
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Thank you!

Yes, I'll go back to just looking at the pictures now... I just had to chim in about that earlier post.

Good don't you dare comment EVER AGAIN!!! lol ok I'm teasing and just padding my post count in case I have anything interesting to say at some point people will give it more credit =)
This is why I posted the following to Condovo:

Quote Originally Posted by condovo View Post
^^ Your dream is for Toronto to have a clone of a building in Chicago? Perhaps you should dream bigger.

My post: Condovo, many of your posts have a rude or belittling tone to them (especially the ones you posted on Wed, Nov 25). I was going through the different projects' threads and every post you made was like that. If someone says something that you may not necessarily agree with, it's alright, and you can still convey your (differing) opinion nicely.

Let me guess - you'll come back with a defensive/confrontational post or pretend to take 'the high road'. Before you get mad, take a step back and see what is being said....
What was wrong with that comment? Who wants replicas of another city's landmarks as part of serious development? There's nothing condescending about it; it's simply a reflection of this board that ambitious aspirations in terms of city building are the norm. I can't speak for the board, but I think that all newcomers are encouraged to participate with this mindset.
no, that comes off as "what? you can't dream bigger than a replica? I feel sorry for you!" That kind of way of saying something is not fun for others and as a new person to the board I can see how it would make you feel uncomfortable participating with the high chance that was you say might be either dismissed as not good enough, or attacked strongly. If they said "I think it would be better if we tried to build something new that is uniquely Toronto" that same message sounds a lot nicer, at least to me.
Sorry, what exactly has Condovo done wrong? If the new member complains that a building under construction isn't a replica of another building, why should we care? Isn't that as tacky and eyeroll-worthy as suggesting Toronto should build another Eiffel Tower, or Empire State Building?

Just because all members have an equal right to express their opinions, doesn't mean that everyone else has to agree with that opinion. If new members wants to post things that no one will argue with, don't critique things that other people like. Just post happy things like, "I like this building!" Sure, it's not as exciting as posting some lame critique, like "I wish this building was different!" But unless you are prepared to have your opinions critiqued, don't critique something.
Expressing an opinion is not wrong of course. And disagreement is not wrong either. The problem lies in going ad hominem with it. It's the difference between saying "I disagree with you because of reasons x, y, and z" and saying "I disagree with you, and your opinion arises from your personal inferiority."
Yeah ! Tell this to poster Project End ! Please read this PE ...ohh you've read it

^I agree as the saying goes if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Expressing our opinions freely is the only way we can change this city for the better.

I know it hurts sometimes but that's how change begins. We say it because we care.

We love our city T.O. and we want to see it better then the rest !
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All I stated was that I preferred this building than the current 1 Bloor design. It does not mean that I want the exact same building in Toronto.
this was my pipe dream for 1 Bloor... sadly it didn't come true

The reply by condovo did come across as condescending. I understand that some people won't agree, but you don't have to belittle my opinion, which is exactly what I felt after reading his reply.

^^ Your dream is for Toronto to have a clone of a building in Chicago? Perhaps you should dream bigger.

Quite frankly it does make me feel like not posting here... everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I'm not the type to walk all over someone else's views just because I don't agree.
^I agree as the saying goes if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Expressing our opinions freely is the only way we can change this city for the better.

I know it hurts sometimes but that's how change begins. We say it because we care.

We love our city T.O. and we want to see it better then the rest !


You do realize that your post supports the verbal pugilism in which you negatively imply I engage. What's more, UT has never been an easy place for new members. You are what you post and you have to accept that if people disagree with what you're saying, they'll let you know. I'd even go as far as to say that the recent glut of 'gee whiz, that tower is kewl but why can't it be a supertall' members have degraded the quality of discourse to the point that a number of older and more intelligent members have been driven away (eg. SNF, Archivist, etc.).
