Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

This building is gonna sell out in a hurry. Some people just love to live at the centre of nowhere.:)

LOL like the people who bought into Bazis 1 Bloor East? Wait-- I mean, who like to live at the centre of a big dirt lot. hehe.
Though city planners will surely insist on the ubiquitous "box" for this site to compliment this intersection of rectangles, I'm thinkin' a few curves might be long overdue... maybe something like the 67 St. Nick "peanut" render before it was boxified.

See very rough scribble below.

Can't our modernist inspired firms add some powerful curves to their structures? They should take some inspiration from the Lake Point Tower in Chicago.

Hey... Chicago is having problems getting the Spire off the ground. Lets just buy the design and put that up here :)
/\ Calatrava sued the development company over unpaid design fees. We could probably get the thing for a steal!

3D is quite right though, some curves, like those he suggests in his scribble, would do wonders for this corner. However, he is also quite right in stating that we will most likely end up with a boxy box.

As funny as it might sound, I keep thinking of Helen Lovejoy screeching 'won't someone think of the children.' But she raises a fair point. Canada and Toronto used to be on the forefront of modern design, something to which many who lived through that era will attest. Right now we are building buildings which are partly for us, but also for those who come after. I can't help but think of some school group visiting Toronto 20 years from now and seeing Number One Bloor as significant because it's symbolic of when the city truly stopped caring.

Perhaps a class action suit, something along the lines of Urban Toronto v. Developers of Toronto, might spur them into action?
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Hey... Chicago is having problems getting the Spire off the ground. Lets just buy the design and put that up here :)

200 floors probably wouldn't fly at Bloor & Yonge...

Seriously though, ProjectEnd hits the point home well that whatever goes up here should be something truly special at what used to be the proud cross roads of Canada. Mediocrity just won't do it here.
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A 100 story with curves would be real nice for this corner.

We should put a landing pad at the top.

It's a pain trying to get anything close 100 story or 1,000' built in this city.

Square boxes are soooooooooooooooo borrrrrrrrrrrrrring as well current walls and precast walls.
Chicago Spire is 150 storeys, not 200. I don't see why something that tall can't be built at Yonge & Bloor.
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Chicago Spire is 150 storeys, not 200. I don't see why something that call can't be built at Yonge & Bloor.

OK, I guess the 2000 foot height is what I had in the back of my head and nothing approaching 150 storeys can get financing right now.

Height is not the critical issue here hower. What is critical is that a friendly and functional podium is designed and something above that which will WOW us all. This corner needs and deserves it given it's high profile location and what with that mid-70's disaster on the N/E corner. I still hope for two staggered towers that can be built, and financed separately.

Great Gulf, are you up for the challenge?
