Developer: Urban Capital Property Group, ALIT Developments
Architect: Core Architects, GBCA Architects
Address: 75 St Nicholas Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto Nicholas Residences | ?m | 35s | Urban Capital | Core Architects

It would've certainly been a much bolder design, which probably would've garnered more divided opinions on the building altogether. I guess some would say that'd be better than going unnoticed, which is largely the story of Nicholas so far!
I must be the only person who actually likes Crystal Blue and Uptown..

I like what Uptown should have been. The renderings made it seem like an Art Deco inspired tower that would have looked nice.

They cheaped out during construction and that's what I'm disappointed about with it.

CrystalBlah sucks.
Shaving 10s off a building is significantly more important than good design (just think of how many extra NIMBY votes KWT will get for that!). You need to get your priorities straight.

From a city building perspective design should be of paramount concern... I also don't understand the NIMBY KWT comment - she has more development and planning applications occurring in her ward than any other ward in the city - she has a difficult role to strike an appropriate balance between stakeholders and competing interests, but she does work pretty well with the industry (unlike a quite a few other councilors).
I don't understand how the city planning department "changed the design". The developer could have easily made a curved building that fit within the planning department guidelines, just like they apparently made a square box to fit within the planning department guidelines.
24 October 2013: It struck me today how much more I like this building than Five. Its slimmer floor plate simply looks sexier. Aside from the grey spandrel--I rather like the simple pattern it creates on the facade, (NimbyTect to "redress it" c.2030s?;)) it looks like another Core Winner :)
