Just let everyone know not to waste their time, wait until Jan 2010 before trying to take any shots of this project as it too far down and to far away to get a shot.
The girls & I went to the ROM, and I can confirm that they put up a crane today. The guy that goes up first when these things go up? A better man than I...
I really love this re-development of Bloor/Avenue road (near the ROM, RCM, etc...)... We're adding some great height and stretching the skyline to an otherwise shorter area! Good stuff!... But it'll be harder to find stuff to eat now that all those little restaurants are going down the drain ...
Based on my memory of how deep this hole was I think two levels are poured now, two to go. This is moving along very slowly for the size of the site.
There was a group of construction type dudes hanging around the one area where we can get a shot of the parking levels and they stared me down, so I didn't get a pic. In the end, a hole is a hole. It should be at grade by mid-April
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