Toronto Motion On Bay Street | ?m | 29s | Concert | IBI Group

Unfortunately because its original proposed height caused hissy fits..... it got re-designed and shortened to this current crap

Old rendering from Dec/2008

What does that have to do with anything, AG? Nobody has complained about the massing- in fact that's what many of us are lauding at this corner. It's the cladding, not the height, that is a concern, from what I can tell in this thread.

Then, there are also people who don't even mind the cladding, though I am not one of those.

I dream of a day where you will consider the many aspects of a development outside of your desire for more height.

Who cares, but height still scares many

In this city? Hardly. I think you fear buildings that AREN'T tall more than most UTers or Torontonians fear tall towers, if I'm honest.

EDIT: I'd like to add that the 50-floor point tower proposal looked disjointed and made no sense beside its chunky One City Hall sister. The massing was all wrong compared to what we got in the end; a tower that refers to One City Hall and doesn't cause an abrupt change in the streetscape.
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Yeah, as for the cladding--I think it depends. That's the first shot where's it's looked so busy to me. In person and shots from other angles don't make it appear that way. So I'm not sure if it's a fact about the building or if it's a fact about that particular picture that makes the cladding look less than desirable.
19 January 2013:


I see this building almost daily, and while in this picture the cladding look too busy, it works in the environment. Across the street is the equally disjointed TRSM, and the entire corner is a mishmash of aesthetics. The black brick framing on the lower levels adds closure to the "podium" and the street level does look very good from what I've seen before.

The colours of the spandrel are completely lost in this picture as well. In person, the colours create a pleasing scheme that adds a much needed splash of colour, while not being too distracting. The white trim that you can see looks like it's fairly high quality as well. The precast panels run the length of the building and incorporate the mechanical penthouse, adding a nice sense of flow when looking up. The top level balconies do detract from the boxed in section on the east side, but the change from randomized cutouts to continuous sections salvages the effect somewhat. The balcony glass looks decent, and shouldn't add too much to the already busy cladding. Altogether this building is success in my books, I would like to see more buildings like this.

While I am not a professional, I have been following this forum since 2010 and feel that my taste has developed significantly in this time. If anyone has not seen this building in person, it's worth walk (especially on the now renovated south side of Dundas!)
No, because this is a Projects and Construction thread, not a Real Estate section thread. Posts concerning living in various buildings are in that part of the UT Forum.

Frosted or fritted balcony glass is what I am hoping for too. The horizontal stripes would really compliment the new Sick Kids Research Building when viewed from the south
