Toronto Monde | 149.95m | 44s | Great Gulf | Moshe Safdie

The city is trying to create a major shopping strip, on Bonniecastle, so I would hope the retail would reflect that. This neighbourhood, when complete, will have a large population, (and lots of tourists) so I would expect it to be able to support a decent shopping strip, with good quality stores and some tourist geared boutiques. This will be the main shopping district for the waterfront, so probably lots of restaurants too. (Hopefully, some nice ones overlooking the lake)
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Do we know what the sales figures are for Monde at this point? This is a tower I'd really like to see happen sooner than later! Great design by a Canadian architecture icon and very much a focal point for the new East Bayfront neighbourhood.
why would the qq lowblaws close? that would be a shame
As far as I know, Loblaws owns the land on which the QQ store sits so I doubt they will close it, just when the local shopping population is set to increase. It is certainly possible that if the tentative plan to bring Harbour Street right through to Lower Jarvis goes ahead they may take the opportunity to rebuild the store (condos on top?) but I seriously doubt they will close it.
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I've always considered Monde to be a stylish centre-piece for the East Bayfront. To achieve this status , it would need engaging retail that distinguishes itself from other typical condo buildings. The image (in the database) showing the retail promenade, indicates potential as a retail destination. A row of nice restaurants, cafes, and boutiques would really provide a lively urban vibe. An urban concept supermarket (Loblaws if they re-locate, Sobeys, Whole Foods, etc.) would also be of great service. After seeing how much of a hot spot it was all over NYC this summer, I'd also welcome a Shake Shack in the area.
^ It was mentioned in another thread somewhere that Loblaws wanted to develop the property and the store would be shut down.

Not that the speculation has been confirmed, mind you…

Contacted the sales team, so take it with a grain of salt but; They mentioned they expect construction to start in the Fall of this year, with occupancy in 2016.

Will cross my figures that actually happens !

This is key for transforming the waterfront ... when will Hines release the new East Bayfront development ... who knows !
More fingers crossed here and holding my breath. I really want this one to go foreword. It's a great building in a critical location.
This is, in my opinion, one of the very few proposed towers right now that is absolutely, through-and-through compelling to me both for its architecture and its contribution to the neighbourhood and Sherbourne Common.

Fingers crossed it happens!
Anyone have info on Hines btw ? I thought they were going to launch late 2012, but maybe that was early 2013.

The office buildings are actually being, 2, 200K buildings. Good luck too em with those though (with no LRT for years ...). I think the First Gulf site, or King East center, will be more attractive for tenants (if any want to be in the east end).
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the first things the city does with the 25% of local funding that metrolinx will provide through the transit tax will be to build this, it is their secondary transit priority over the DRL and the DRL is already accounted for in Metrolinx's plan.

The sheer value of this being on the waterfront and the fact that it would have the shortest transit ride out of all those projects should help. (Of course once the streetcar line gets built)
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the first things the city does with the 25% of local funding that metrolinx will provide through the transit tax will be to build this, it is their secondary transit priority over the DRL and the DRL is already accounted for in Metrolinx's plan.

The sheer value of this being on the waterfront and the fact that it would have the shortest transit ride out of all those projects should help. (Of course once the streetcar line gets built)

Public tax money put into building what?
