Developer: Great Gulf
Architect: Moshe Safdie, BDP Quadrangle
Address: 12 Bonnycastle St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2016
Height: 492 ft / 149.95 mStoreys: 44 storeys
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Toronto Monde | 149.95m | 44s | Great Gulf | Moshe Safdie

Application: Sign Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 291 LAKE SHORE BLVD E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 156796 SGN 00 SP Accepted Date: Apr 25, 2013

Project: First Party New

Description: To erect and display three non-illuminated wall signs on the easterly, westerly and northerly elevation of one-storey building, in conjunction with a condo developer. **Great Gulf - Monde**
^Signs on the sales centre? Anyone have any idea why they would need signs? I assumed this project was close to the threshold. Kind of an odd permit, no?
^Signs on the sales centre? Anyone have any idea why they would need signs? I assumed this project was close to the threshold. Kind of an odd permit, no?

Considering that this isn't the most high-visibility location for street level drivers and pedestrians, they are probably trying to take advantage of the site's visibility from the Gardiner.
FWIW, I've been told that construction of this will start towards the end of the year. My source isn't the most reliable, so please take it with a decent sized grain of salt.

Sales were/have been slow for a couple of reasons

a.) this is/was a big project relative to it's height. (545 units?)
b.) GG initally priced this a bit too high for a winter 2011 launch
c.) there were a lot of bad layouts/floorplans in the podium. they went back to the drawing board and changed quite a few of these.
d.) this area is just starting to take shape, as the first non-institutional project in the area, GG had to break the ceiling (harder to do when you consider point b)
I was standing across the street from this site the other day and thinking about the location. It actually has a lot going for it. The lake and Sugar Beach across the street, 2 parks and a boardwalk right outside, Loblaws 1 block away, LCBO 2 blocks away, Sherbourne bus and Bay bus right outside, Island Ferry 3 blocks away, Gardiner Expressway 2 blocks away, unobstructed views of the lake and the city.
I agree, though I think the real kicker that would jump-start sales would be if the eastern LRT would get funding. Then again, one could almost see that happening what with council wanting to take control of it and Wynne going full-speed ahead with tax ideas
if the transit tax gets implemented local agencies will be getting $300 million a year to do whatever they want with, and I have a feeling the TTC will be getting at least $100 million of it. they could easily built the LRT with that money, and have it paid off in 4 years.
They are not selling any podium units at the moment. The podium will be relaunched next month, is what the sales centre is saying.
The signs are probably for the podium relaunch.
Yes, you can see the new ads in the paper to register for the new Boardwalk suites. At the Land & Development conference today, GG said that they were relaunching soon. Building up demand and relaunching hopefully proves to be fruitful.

In the whole scheme of things, the south side of Queen`s Quay (Bayside) should have been launched first rather than the Parkside (Monde) development IMO. I really think that the Hines and Tridel site will be a very successful launch and jump start any new residential development here.
On another note, I was excited to see Metrolinx new proposals and thought about how we ALL need to suck it up to create better transit systems. Then I listened to a radio show and everyone was so upset with the proposals and $$$ involved.

But imagine if this area had a streetcar or LRT under construction already. This is a prime example of build it and they will come. However, it seems that no one wants to pay for any transit improvements and no politician wants to deal with it head on. I`m sure that Waterfront Toronto is more than frustrated. As of right now, you will still need a car, or enjoy taking the bus or walking, if you want to live down here.

That said, Bayside is on the water...and as far as I know, waterfront properties are limited...thats why I think the Tridel site will do well regardless of an LRT. Hopefully Monde benefits in the process :p
Is the project being renamed The Boardwalk? I feel like I misunderstood one of the posts above.
No just relaunching with new suite designs, and I imagine at a lower price point than previously. They are calling them "Boardwalk" suites.
Man this building is a beauty!
Nice to see they made a rendering of the full building with the lake in the back ground. I found it odd that there was no lake shown with the previous renderings.
