Mississauga Mississauga Transitway | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | IBI Group

The transfer to get to/from Islington will take place at Kipling in miWay Terminal only. Riders will be drop off/pickup at Islington like it done today, but pickup will be on Bloor only. If TTC build the new terminal as proposed, miWay will pickup there.
I know law is sometimes pathetic as TTC isn't making money currently from people getting from Mississauga to Islington. What could they do from preventing someone walking into the Kipling terminal or more likely from a GO bus/train taking a Miway bus to Islington. With a GO co-fare, they only pay 80 cents more to get to Islington than a full TTC fare making it quite attractive.
I know law is sometimes pathetic as TTC isn't making money currently from people getting from Mississauga to Islington. What could they do from preventing someone walking into the Kipling terminal or more likely from a GO bus/train taking a Miway bus to Islington. With a GO co-fare, they only pay 80 cents more to get to Islington than a full TTC fare making it quite attractive.
TTC can't handle the ridership from Mississauga on the 49 & 50 today to the point they should be Mississauga routes in the first place. Also, it a force transfer that would keep people in their cars.

Worrying about a few riders using GO 80 cents to Islington from Kipling is no big deal and will cost TTC next to nothing, since a few riders may try that route. Come 2018, all MT fare media will be history other than cash and Presto. You will find still find riders paying cash even after TTC is Presto come 2019
TTC can't handle the ridership from Mississauga on the 49 & 50 today to the point they should be Mississauga routes in the first place. Also, it a force transfer that would keep people in their cars.

Worrying about a few riders using GO 80 cents to Islington from Kipling is no big deal and will cost TTC next to nothing, since a few riders may try that route. Come 2018, all MT fare media will be history other than cash and Presto. You will find still find riders paying cash even after TTC is Presto come 2019
Yeah, I'm aware. Maybe it's time city hall request an amendment to allow Miway to operate local trips within Toronto at TTC's request. The whole ML fare integration might just make this madness go away.
Worrying about a few riders using GO 80 cents to Islington from Kipling is no big deal and will cost TTC next to nothing, ...

The fare for the customer is 80 cents. The revenue for the local transit agency (TTC or MT) is still the full $3 with Metrolinx paying the difference.

It still isn't much of a concern to the TTC, but we should recognize that a full bus of GO transfers on that short trip would be a healthy profit for the local transit agency.
At the Finch terminal, people transfer from one YRT or VIVA route to another all the time. I am sure this is not illegal (and if it was, it would contradict the YRT's 2 h trip policy that allows the riders to take any YRT or VIVA route within those 2 hours).

It is illegal for the outside operators to carry fare-paying riders between two points inside the Toronto border. If the trips either starts or ends outside those borders, then it is legal.

This is why I brought up the issue at Renforth. See the slide below from Metrolinx. The station literally spans the municipal border. It would make sense for MiWay to take commuters from this point to transport them within the City of Mississauga, and for the TTC to do the same in Toronto. It is right on the border. You couldn't ask for a better spot to drop people off. Essentially, it becomes unfair to Toronto residents living at/near Renforth Gateway who want to get the Kipling because it forces them to pay 2 fares even though they want to travel within the City. Otherwise, they are forced to take the "long way" there, as there is no incentive for TTC to offer an express Renforth to Kipling route, as this service is already provided by MiWay. And probably more significant, as this area has more commuters to the area than out of it, is for those people coming from Kipling, who again, are faced with the decision to pay 2 fares to get to this location, or take the longer, local TTC routes. Over 7k people work in this area. Most currently drive, and that won't likely change if you continue to force them to pay 2 fares to get here quickly.

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Yeah, I'm aware. Maybe it's time city hall request an amendment to allow Miway to operate local trips within Toronto at TTC's request. The whole ML fare integration might just make this madness go away.
The chair of TTC requested staff to do a report on my business cases back in 2008 that call for TTC routes 49 & 50 turn over to Mississauga after I presented it at a TTC meeting. TTC would walk away with buses to be used on other routes as well funds from route 50. TTC would have to subsidizes route 49 as it would be a blood bath for Mississauga to do it on its own. Current TTC riders would see no changes with Mississauga taking over the routes other than better service. This was my 2nd request since the City bylaws were change from 2003 to allow the city to do this.

ML has used that report of mine as an example that can happen in other places and fully support it, but not in the position to do it.

Sadly, no report from staff was brought back as requested after the chair retired.

If one look at ML vision, their vision is to have the London model here for all of the GTA where there is only one uniform and bus colour run by many companies both union and non union like York Region.
Here's the state of the bus ramp connections to Eglinton east of Renforth station, as of yesterday evening:


…and the bus ramp from Eglinton to the 427 southbound:



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Aug 13
I hate to be the bearer of bad news and I told you so, but Renforth Terminal will be lucky if it will open at all this year on my visited today.

I have said all of this year and maybe late last year I didn't see this terminal opening in Sept 2017. With luck, manpower and good weather, it may open mid Nov to early Dec. If people don't believe me, all they have to do is spend an hour walking around the whole area, as that what took me today. Just wait for the official announcement shortly.

All service changes for TTC and MT 100's for Sept will be on hold until this thing is ready to really open. I have no idea what MT is going to do when it comes time to move all the routes to the new platform on Commerce Blvd come Sept, as it not ready. 3 missing Shelters, sidewalk needs to be built and cleaning the area up is require before it can be use. Then the bus layover area needs to be finish.

The Transitway Road needs a lot of curbs built before the next 2 coats of asphalt can be lay. The centre guard beam in the station still to be finish off and thought it would be done now based on my June visit.

Until Handrail and Fencing is in place around all the areas above the Transitway, its a safety issue and should not open until it done. There is some handrail up, but a lot missing for it.

The list:
No Elevators install yet.
Inside not close to be finish.
No roof with missing sections
No Sidewalks on Eglinton or in front of the main entrance
Flashing about 40% complete
No Streetlights
As noted above and this is a real short list of thing of all the things that need to be done.
Then there is Eglinton itself that needs to be finish so traffic lanes can be move back where they are supposed to go

Humm!!! Another Metrolinx Project

There is 84 photos up on site shot today









Opening in the Fall is a stretch, but is it possible before the end of 2017?
There are about, what, 9 days between the end of fall and the end of the year....so there really is no difference.....if it can open by end of year it can probably open by fall.
GO Service Changes Effective Sept 2

Routes 19 and 40 will start serving Dixie Station, and a temporary new stop near Renforth, which they say is "opening later this fall."

I can hear @drum118 making a scoffing noise.
It seems like this will only slow down the trips and serve a minimal amount of riders. 5 minutes have been added to schedules on the GO Transit website. Can anyone explain to me why this would be a good idea?
