Mississauga Mississauga Transitway | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | IBI Group

This transitway is a complete waste of money that could be better spent on other transit options, such as LRT on Dundas and Hurontario. It's so ridiculous.

You can't build an LRT on Dundas and Hurontario for $320 million.

The BRT will allow for a reliable express bus to the airport from MCC, and that alone makes it worth the money.
I really doubt you'll see a big increase in transit use to these office parks no matter what they do.

The concept of the BRT has it's uses but I agree an impossible LRT on dundas or the like would be a better use for the money :)
You can't build an LRT on Dundas and Hurontario for $320 million.

The BRT will allow for a reliable express bus to the airport from MCC, and that alone makes it worth the money.

I didn't say you could. I did say however, that it would be a better way to spend the money.
If you know that canceling this BRT would not pay for any LRT anyways, then why complain?

I think would be great to finally have reliable and fast service to the Airport. This BRT would be huge boost for regional transit service too. Just think of the possibilities for GO, especially the 407 West bus route, which is already one of the most busiest routes in the 905.

A BRT is, for me at least, a want-to-be suburban entity. It does not mean city. Sorry, I'm disappointed.

That's just dumb, sorry. In no way can any form of transit be associated with suburbia. A truly suburban environment would have no transit at all, let alone any buses. This is some of the worst anti-bus rhetoric I ever heard.
Councillor Carolyn Parrish suggested the city focus on bringing light rail to Hurontario and Dundas streets, and stop work on the BRT plan until it gets full funding.

"I don't believe in putting the foundation when we don't have the money to put the roof on," she said. "It is for moving people from north Oakville into Toronto. Why are we so ready to let the federal government and the province walk all over our heads?"

While I think Parrish is a little over-the-top sometimes, she's definitely got a point here.

Hurontario and Dundas are the big routes in the city, and they both should have LRT. And I like that she's talking about "light rail", not this mythical "rapid transit" that Metrolinx talks about and would probably end up as express buses.

I really feel that Parrish could be our saviour for LRT in this city. Maybe we can urge her to support a Bloor extension to MCC?
Aren't both the Hurontario and Dundas LRT lines part of Metrolinx's plans? There's no way they won't get built, and probably sooner than it seems.
I wish I could share your optimism, that because it's in the plans, it will get built. I'm pretty optimistic, about the top ten; but after that, who knows?
Just the way planned subway lines along Eglinton and Sheppard were dumbed down in favour of crappy LRT, planned LRT lines along Hurontario and Dundas will be dumbed down in favour of crappy BRT. So Hurontario and Dundas have as much chance to get LRT as Eglinton and Sheppard have of getting subway (i.e. never).
A BRT is, for me at least, a want-to-be suburban entity. It does not mean city. Sorry, I'm disappointed.

You know, I think that with all these developing world cit-...sorry, communities...of several million building BRT systems, we might just reverse the trend and push the number of people living in cities below 50% by the end of the decade.
What is the current status of the Mississauga Transitway along Eglinton? I understand Mississauga received a promise of funds from the provincial and federal governments back in 2007.

Construction starts this fall
In the Mississauga News for Wednesday there's a notice about the reconstruction of Rathburn to go from 2 lanes in each direction one one lane in each direction plus two Bus-only lanes and reconfiguring the Hurontario interchange to accomodate the bus-only lanes. This is being done in preparation for the Mississauga Transitway/BRT that it says should open in 2013.
