Toronto MaRS Centre Phase 2 | 112.77m | 20s | Alexandria | B+H

About time!!!!!!!!!
I can't stress that enough....
Can someone please tell me how many days/months/years it's been to the day that it was put on hold??? I was like a little kid when they shut that down, sheesh! This is an area changer! University/college is one of the coolest intersections in the city, but put down by the south-east corner!
What kind of remediation, if any, is needed when a half-finished project like this is restarted after so long? For example, will any of the rebars need to be replaced after having been exposed to the elements all this time? Or can construction just pick up right where it left off?
What kind of remediation, if any, is needed when a half-finished project like this is restarted after so long? For example, will any of the rebars need to be replaced after having been exposed to the elements all this time? Or can construction just pick up right where it left off?

Murmurs from engineering staff in MaRS indicates that a demo of the existing substructures will be required, as the structure wasn't capped against the elements. I recall they were capping off the rebar, but then abandoned even that effort as Alexandria imploded.
Now THIS is the biggest news I've heard of in a while! Having this unfinished was the most unfortunate things to see so I'm so happy to see work is going to resume on it! It's just much more important than any condo announcement in my eyes.
When I was coming down the elevator in my building yesterday two guys were talking about what sounded like this so I asked them, are you guys talking about MaRS phase 2 and they said yes. I completely forgot to post about it until I just read this. I gathered by how they were talking that one of the guys works over there now (at MaRS ph. 1). Damn, I wanted to break this story!
Great news indeed! and definitely more important than any condo....:)
Woohoo! I hope the nice glass will still be used. That first render in the link look much more plain than the renders below it.
Woohoo! I hope the nice glass will still be used. That first render in the link look much more plain than the renders below it.

They trotted out the same renders and scale models they used at the first announcement: but who knows? Years have passed since they started and the original glass suppliers could be easily altered as no contracts would have survived the mothballing.
Great news, even if it is something of a re-election ploy.

The restart has been in negotiation for quite some time, and given the number of hints from our execs over the years, this is a hard-won good story. The timing is probably in part electioneering, but consider this - committing the funds won't win over non-dt and non-tech voters (or Lansdown), even though a large number of citizens will see themselves and their highly-educated kids employed in biotech and IT. The Libs are probably working to secure the provinces' investments in Ontario's technology industry expansion, which could so easily be compromised by retrogressive "taxpayer" myopias.
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The private sector only funds what is profitable in the near horizon (3-5 years), unless you're Genentech, but now they're Roche...sigh. Big pharma has got stale with its research and development, and is hitting a tremendous patent cliff (expiration of their monopolies) in the coming years. Largely driving this failure to innovate is the remarkable conservatism of private industry, and the flightly behaviour of their capital in the past few years. Public investment in medical industries is leading to advancements not possible if we were reliant on Canadian Venture Capital (also kaput) - and each investment comes with a benefit: the Province has a stake in many of the technologies developed in MaRS.
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