The view from the GO bus to HamIlton indicates that the parking lot is now substantially closed (only a few cars on the north side of the lot, and pylons blocing off the rest). Excavation equipment is on site.
The parking lot was closed over and completely fenced off when I passed by this weekend. The security gate had been ripped out. Sales centre is closed. New hoarding being installed, closer to the street. This one is officially heading to excavation.
If Dan Aykroyd wants to criticize Canada, isn't that his right? This is a free country, remember? He can say what he likes. At least he gives a s**t enough to say something. Just because he's famous doesn't mean he loses the right to speak his mind. Besides, who cares? It's Dan Aykroyd!
Ouch. What did Danny boy ever do to you guys? Is his wine-auction fundraiser for the Hospital for Sick Chilldren sucking all the guests away from your charitable foundations?
Nothing specifically that I can think of, although he has been outspoken against socialized medicine. I just wish he would start something unique in Toronto other than a House of Blues.