Toronto Lumiere Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects


Math is hard.

cheer's the quick fact. Total number of floors will be 32. The frist two stories will be each 17 feet high, plus a roof top garden, the total height will be equivalent to a 35 stories'

It will be 20 feet taller than the two condos right south to it.
Here are some shots from the back.


I wonder if the view from those balconies will be half as bleak as the view *of* those balconies?

What does that mean? They have painted the undersides and they will be enhanced by nice glazing, if what they've used so far is any indication.

I didn't realize how much of the glazing had gone up so far... it looks beautiful. A nice dark shade, like that of The MET, really does wonders.
I wonder if the view from those balconies will be half as bleak as the view *of* those balconies?
I disagree with you on that one. In my opinion, the balconies are a real enhancement. Those cylindrical load bearing pillars running up to the 3rd(?) floor on the other hand - yikes. Still, overall I'm really liking this development. Fantastic infill.
the glass quality looks good. I would hope that those pillars would be finished in some way, at least polished... I think once the construction is completed, the bare concrete covered and all that form work is taken away this backside wont look too shabby.
My concern isn't so much that it's bare concrete. It's more about the fact they're cylindrical. To me, it seems to break the flow of the overall building, which seems to be boxes on boxes and then sharp 90 degree angles on the podium overhang elements.
I haven't been around to that side of the building since early fall, it looks good for a back street with a low profile.
I wonder if the view from those balconies will be half as bleak as the view *of* those balconies?

Those who look into 790 Bay offices will not love their view. Apparently the method of 790's construction was a first-of-its-kind. If anybody has specifics on that...please share...otherwise I'll continue pursing my lips everytime I see it.
