Developer: Waterfront Toronto
Address: Cherry St & Villiers St, Toronto
Category: Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Don't know at this time as to when, but next week will see the LRT bridge lower into position on the pier. Due to the lateness of the bearing support arriving due to COVID-19, the bridge had to be place as is. The bearings were to be here before the bridge arrived.

Due to 3D forming of the steel work, there was no place in NA to do it and why it was done in Netherlands.

When they started to roll the bridge onto the barge, one other end rose 3 feet above the water line.

It only took 20 minutes to turn the bridge 90 degree using 4 bulldozers to pull it in to position

The 4 lane road bridge is due to arrive in the fall and off loaded like the LRT bridge. It will have a wider sidewalk than the LRT.

It was very interesting how the bridge was fabricated, welded and painted as well what issues arose doing it that will make the fabrication of the other bridges a lot easier.

The top centre section was fabricated upside down to deal with the grinding of the wells and then flip for the final assembly and welding.

The various designs looked at for these bridges were interesting and could see why a few were reject day one.

One thing I need to check is the time line for all the bridges as I have heard not one bridge is coming this year, but all 3 of them. This will mean very quick turn around for the barge. I know Cherry St south bridge support are partly in place and should be done Q1. As for Commissioner, I have not looked at it and most likely out of view in the first place. By CSCE with Thumbnail to Full size

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Ill be honest, I didnt even realize it wasnt on its final resting supports. It doesnt look like the final resting place is that different from where it is (a few feet at most).
One thing I need to check is the time line for all the bridges as I have heard not one bridge is coming this year, but all 3 of them. This will mean very quick turn around for the barge. I know Cherry St south bridge support are partly in place and should be done Q1. As for Commissioner, I have not looked at it and most likely out of view in the first place. By CSCE with Thumbnail to Full size
Portlands Energy Centre and decommissioned Hearn Generating Station (right) located east of downtown Toronto. Long exposure shot across the frozen shipping channel's turnaround basin on an extremely cold night. Not much has changed here over the years. I wonder what the fate of this "sleeping giant" will be with respect to redevelopment of the Lower Don Lands.

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I'm hoping for a something similar to the Tate Modern in London but since this is heritage they'll likely bulldoze the thing while we're sleeping.
I sure hope you're wrong - Toronto's version of the Tate would be something.

Still, it's gonna take some serious bulldozers to level the Hearn overnight. It'd take significant time to even rig that gargantuan hulk of a place for a controlled implosion.
Please bring back the ice rink and sports complex:cool:...the only hope is the Private Sector
What, specifically, in this case is city doing wrong (or not enough of) and that the private sector would do better?

Do you have a relevant example here or in another city of a privately-managed community centre that does what you want?
Views of the future site of Atlas Crane Peninsula and Promontory Park South. Shot in the late afternoon from my balcony in the Distillery District. Installed in 1961, the crane is now decommissioned and a designated heritage structure. The Cherry St. North bridge can also be seen in two photos.



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