As maddening as it is the reality is that a good swath of the population are selfish, inconsiderate, and unpleasant. They don't care about other people or property that doesn't belong to them.. If we have to raise taxes to rid our city of vandalism, so be it. Perhaps CCTV every 50m over the entire metro is where we're headed.
Telling people not to do something doesn't work with some people. 3 weeks in jail and a $20,000 fine is more effective. Maybe spray paint everything they own when they get caught for good measure: their clothes, furniture, home, car ..... everything. Karma.
That really is too much.
You'd rather live in an authoritarian police state than abide a modest bit of tagging?
Listen, I don't approve of tagging; not here, nor anywhere else really. At best, I find it juvenile, and rather entitled; at worst, it's offensive for its criminal destruction of property and callous disregard for its impact on others.
Yet, I've traveled enough to know that Toronto has far less of this than many other cities of comparable size.
Equally important, I also understand that the seriousness of arresting someone, let alone imprisoning them is far greater than the tagging.
It's easy to see in the Criminal Code itself; if you remove the 'force of law'; an arrest would be akin to a kidnapping; and jail, forcible confinement. Both are far more serious charges than 'mischief' or 'destruction of property'.
Lots of people, from around the world, marvel at Toronto's comparative cleanliness.
No, it doesn't meet the standards of Singapore.
Few places do.
Yes, it can and should be better.
But can we please dial the hyperbole back, more than a little?