Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

I live right beside Shanrgri-La, and even I don't take that many pics.
I don't really get much appreciation for going out and taking pics and posting them, but others do, so it just makes me think people don't really care.
I live right beside Shanrgri-La, and even I don't take that many pics.
I don't really get much appreciation for going out and taking pics and posting them, but others do, so it just makes me think people don't really care.

I can't speak for anyone else Khristopher, but I appreciate any photos you've posted as well as anyone else who's bothered. I think Cal just got us used to regular updates and all of a sudden it stopped. Ramako makes a good point that sometimes it's nice to see more significant changes between updates, but on projects that attract as much attention as SL, I think that some forumers are ok with seeing slightly more frequent updates.
I will do mid week updates. I have calculated that doing Trump and Shangrila updates in the morning will cause me to be 15 to 30 minutes late for work. So not a big deal really. Of course weekend updates are a given and the weather, the main reason for the lack of streettime, is now improving rapidly as we move into March.
Anyone who takes pictures we appreciate.
Cal has just gone beyond the expectations of all of us.
Speaking for myself, I get into the city once a week on average and I can't always get downtown.
I am more interested in this project because I have a vested interest so I really appreciate any updates.
Some of us perhaps don't express it to all who take their time and effort but with the exception of a small
minority, I am sure the majority do appreciate it. The so called "silent majority".
so please, feel free to post pics.
So much angst on this thread, here's a photo to make people feel better. Taken this morning.

I hadn't seen that perspective before. Shangri-La in the background actually makes those two midrise buildings look better.
some really really nice views of shangri-la/the ritz/festival. found this on youtube. it's fairly fresh. it's a promo video from boutique condos.

by NoPressureCa on youtube:

some really really nice views of shangri-la/the ritz/festival. found this on youtube. it's fairly fresh. it's a promo video from boutique condos.

Decent views here. Gee, he's real positive about this unit isn't he? I wouldn't want him working to sell my property!
Great pics Drum. Thanks.

This just gets better as it keeps going up. Are they up to 25 orv26 now?(excluding floor 13) It seems to have picked up speed again.
Awesome updates today, drum, thank you SIR.....and thx to Jasonzed, steveve, mo-tage and a few others today as well - all terrific pics!
that 4th shot from the hilton is an "awwwww yeahhhh" shot. this tower's looking tall and slender. this tower is an AREA CHANGER if not city changer. the view will feel alot more dense/downtown like than the unobstructed ritz carlton/rbc view.
