Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

Looking at the pictures I was really suprised at how deep blue the Shangrila looks. I was originally under the impression that it would be more silvery in colour. Still looks great in the up close shots but definately appearing more blue.
Jasonzed, just went to work for you this weekend. He must have spent 50 bux of his hard earned dollars getting us these fabulous updates.

I'll still try and sneak down to King West on Weekday mornings before I head out to Mississauga, but it won't be as often as it had been before, when I actually worked on King West.

Blasting Microsoft! Giving us office space out here in Sauga for next to nothing. :(
Quick snap taken on my way back from lunch. Nota bene, very nice lunch spot.

Anyone who misses an update should go and take a pic themselves and post it.

This was a joke, right? Otherwise its just a rude and thoughtless comment. If we could all just zip over to check out developments in person, then there would be much less of a need for this site. There are people who live far away, people with mobility issues, people with time constraints and busy lives, and people who actually have a life. All the comments on here were in the tone of thanks to caltrane for the updates he provided. And I for one would like to thanks hime too for his great photography and time spent on getting us those pictures on an almost daily basis.
This was a joke, right? Otherwise its just a rude and thoughtless comment. If we could all just zip over to check out developments in person, then there would be much less of a need for this site. There are people who live far away, people with mobility issues, people with time constraints and busy lives, and people who actually have a life. All the comments on here were in the tone of thanks to caltrane for the updates he provided. And I for one would like to thanks hime too for his great photography and time spent on getting us those pictures on an almost daily basis.

Exactly, I don't have a life so I post pics ; )
Nice pic Mo-tage.

The amenities box-thing is looking very impressive. Especially from the north. I was lamenting the loss of the Tower view corridor from Queen but instead this is really adding to the area. The shape and scale is fascinating and I think once the glass is installed it's going to play off the COC centre quite nicely. Overall it looks like Cheng was thinking about the context and surroundings here. When I looked at his portfolio I thought 'he's no Bing Tom' and maybe even a bit second rate, but this project is (so far) proving my original conclusion wrong. This building is adding some much needed interest to University.
Not only do I miss his updates, this thread actually has fallen down lower on the home page from inactivity, than since it was a hole in the ground. Just got used to daily updates, and appreciate it.
It's already been said, but I miss Cal's updates. Alot. And yes Catcher, those of us living nearby can (in theory) pick up the slack, but it's not the same thing. We just don't have the same "ha-ha-ha" when we count floors on new projects. Only Cal could do that right.
Yes, we are all suffering from withdrawal.....we are all Caltrane junkies..:D

Damn you, Microsoft!
For me seeing photo updates every other day really takes the fun out of it. It's hard to get any real sense of progress when all the pictures look nearly identical. It's the same reason that they tell you not to wiegh yourself every day when you diet... the lack of any significant change is discouraging. A watched pot never boils and all that. I'm very happy with updates once or twice a week.
