Mississauga Limelight Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Daniels | Kirkor

from today

Vulgar. I bet the lighting feature stops glowing after a year of soaring maintenance fees....
Vulgar or not, I doubt maintenance fees woudl have anything to do with any decision regarding the lighting. It will most likely be done with LEDs and probably cost about $100 a month to run - peanuts in the grand scheme of things. In new buildings, the requirement to beuild a reserve fund is what most people gripe about since it is perceived to be the main over-charge for nothing tangible in return.

Besides, if they do in fact light up green, residents will somewhat identify with the lighting and probably be more inclined to put up a fight to keep it lit if it ever came to thet point.
This is an awesome setup. I was amazed when I first saw it in City Hall.

Wondering why they don't have Sheridan College up yet.
It's almost finished whereas the Limelight buidlings are not even close.
Kinda strange the Conservatory Group projects are the complete buildings that have incomplete models.

Limelight really stands out from the rest, being the only modern glassy box towers. MCC really needs more boxes imo.
I must the Mississauga Skyline looks quite impressive when you look at it from a distance. Looks like the skyline of a city of 1 million or so lol...
