Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

The patios on the Esplanade don't extend past Church. That is indeed wide open space. What happened to all the trees? They're still present in Google Street View.

Sewer upgrade.
Everything was ripped out when the sewer trenches were dug. But not to worry. We got an asphalt patch up when it was filled in.'temporary'
Considering the fact that you rarely see more than a half a dozen guys working when you see anybody at all( actually three guys. Those three other older fat guys with their hands in their pockets staring, I think must be supervisors), they sure have accomplished a lot. It's taking them a few more years than expected, but oh well..
Scott St pumping station was promised to be about a one and a half year project with completion slated for sometime in the autumn of 2011. Haha.
They might have actually pulled off an autumn 2012 finish if they had shown up once in awhile and gotten around to working on what they started. Maybe autumn 2013..
The quietest construction site you will ever see.
This must be one helluva a strong union!
With sidewalks like that , how do we even dare go around wondering whether our city is beautiful or not. How could it be. No trees, half asphalt half concrete sidewalks. No bike lanes....these missing elements play a big role in beautifying a city. Come on city something!!!!
Toronto's southern core with very prominent L-Tower as seen from CN Tower yesterday ...


Picture taken by JP Boutros and found today on Twitter. Thanks JP for letting me share it.

glad to see this side of the city bulking up. all the gaps are finally being filled.
and ya, intense photos posted by SkyJacked. talk about a sharp edge.

on a side note, I think L tower could have gone without the vertical white strips on it's east/west sides. I just feel like it doesn't need it considering the curved portion is as dramatic as it is. they're sorta distracting depending on where you're viewing it from.
With sidewalks like that , how do we even dare go around wondering whether our city is beautiful or not. How could it be. No trees, half asphalt half concrete sidewalks. No bike lanes....these missing elements play a big role in beautifying a city. Come on city something!!!!

Vatche: Granny is trying to tell you that the City is doing a sewer upgrade. It's not finished yet. When they've finished, the sidewalk will be rebuilt properly.

Loving the tone of Royal Bank South Tower in that shot [by JP Boutros]. Toronto could use a few extra splashes of colour like that.
Royal York Hotel could use a good scrub..
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As much as i find it interesting that we have trains coming in to the city, udo's shot really shows how much more development we would have if the tracks were not there.
As much as i find it interesting that we have trains coming in to the city, udo's shot really shows how much more development we would have if the tracks were not there.

If we had no trains coming into the city, we'd have no development.

If we had no trains coming into the city, we'd have no development.


However, cities like New York and Barcelona realised this but had the forethought to bury them underground which allowed development above them... This provided for a less scarred appearance to the development of the core.

In reference to Grand Central Terminal:
In a bold and visionary move, the New York Central Railroad spent an enormous sum to relocate the entire terminal and yard below street grade, on two track levels and occupying even more property, making a large rectangle bounded by 42 St, Lexington Ave, 50 St, and a line between Vanderbilt Ave and Madison Ave. The monumental station building was placed at the end of the tracks, centered on Park Ave from 42 St to 44 St. Once the terminal was completed, the rest of the valuable real estate was made available for buildings over the tracks.
(From article found HERE )
Boston had their "Big Dig" (A ten year construction plan which buried multiple expressways in tunnels which crisscrossed the city).

I propose Toronto do the same with both the rail corridor AND Gardiner expressway at the same time. Freeing up valuable lands for development and parkland while opening up the lake shore with the rest of the city.

*climbs off soap box*
I wish UrbanToronto posts offered a "like" button. I would have "liked" the last two posts.
Tweet by SkyJacked 45 minutes ago:

"Now pouring the last and highest piece of wall at the top. Mark and I put a lucky loonie in it for future #Ltower award competitions :)"


By the way if you want to see the full treasure trove of images SkyJacked has tweeted so far then follow this link. Amazing pictures.
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I believe someone was asking for layouts of the two storey penthouse units a while back - I found these


