Toronto Karma Condos | 165.8m | 50s | Lifetime | a—A

Tomorrow is the day. Those of you who want to offer support need to attend the Grenville council meeting. Committee room 1 on the second floor of City Hall (100 queen st west) sometime after 10:00am. You want taller then go and tell the city you want it.

what happened??
what happened??

Looks like it could be headed to the OMB.

New tower gets greenlight on near Yonge, but at six storeys shorter than asked for

Another surface parking lot, an endangered species if ever there was one in downtown Toronto, has been slated for condo construction, after politicians gave the green light to a 46-storey tower a few steps from Yonge Street.

That is six storeys shorter than developers had envisioned for the 660 square metre property on Grenville Street, setting the stage for another battle at the Ontario Municipal Board over density in an area that may seem packed at first blush, but is actually ripe for development.

The short stretch between College and Bloor Street, on or around Yonge, features at least 20 “soft sites,†according to the local city councillor — parcels of land with squat buildings or parking lots that could be transformed into gleaming new homes in the sky.

“Everywhere you see a surface parking lot right now in the city, there is potential that an application could come in for that,†said Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, who represents Ward 27 (Toronto Centre-Rosedale). “Where you see the nondescript, three- to five-storey building, there is potential for that.â€

Not that I think the 6s is going to make that much of a difference - but claiming that this one tower (at 46 or 52) will somehow "drastically rejuvenate" the area? Pure hyperbole.



Indeed. Could have sneaked a few floors by minor variance instead. I think Murano might have done that.
I would be surprised if it gets appealed for 6 floors. Very expensive gamble.

I dont know. the city seems to be getting what they want..why shouldnt they appeal.

The applicants, who are appealing the decision to the OMB, also take issue with a slightly smaller footprint approved by Toronto East York community council on Tuesday, which they say forces a redesign. The proposal would also see an 1873 heritage building moved from one side of the street to the other.

In return, the city expects about $4-million in “community benefits” from the developer, including $930,000 for Yonge Street improvements, upgrades to nearby laneways, wider sidewalks and $1-million for public art.
This project is to be known as Karma Condos. Website is being uploaded as I type Edit: website is live check it out.:)

Full details including project rendering here:


My opinion: It's attractive, but rather typical/conservative aA glass box design. Still much better than 75% of competing projects...but hey, I'd love to see some more red brick aA--like the base of Market Wharf for example...

edit: This is a preliminary rendering, project as per decision yesterday is to be modified...stay tuned for final rendering.
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I see horizontal strips on the east facade like Four Seasons.
I see glass covering the ends of the balconies like King Charlotte.
I see full-width balconies like Murano or CASA.

Sounds like they will have to redesign, though, given that the city only approved a smaller footprint for the tower, no? Or at least that's what I read above.
^^ As per that render above; according to google streetview, the new tower would replace a current tower?

I thought it was replacing the surface lot?
(or are they moving the small house from the west side of the lot to the east side?)
I like it. Solid design and infill density builder. Looks like will be retail in the podium. Grenville (from Yonge to Bay) will soon be known as the Clewes district.
^^ As per that render above; according to google streetview, the new tower would replace a current tower?

I thought it was replacing the surface lot?
(or are they moving the small house from the west side of the lot to the east side?)

Looks more like they're moving the small building to the left, since you can still see the existing tower to the right side of the new building
I'm certainly not going to complain about another beautiful aA building, but won't get all that excited about it either, quite frankly. Each new announcement is starting to feel like the lauch of yet a new iphone... perfecly fine but 'expected' (at least as judging from this preliminary render).
So the reclusive Toronto glass box has finally made another appearance... :rolleyes:

In essence what we have here is a Murano clone; minus the off set pattern of the glass and with the addition of horizontal strips no doubt inspired by the 4 Season's, very minor changes at best. Those strips however look to be just about the only design cue it has taken from the 4 Season's. Save for perhaps the cladding on the podium, there's little chance that the quality of the cladding here will even approach that of the 4 Season's. Not that Murano-type cladding is terrible, well other than how its falling off the building... There's just nothing exciting about it, unless your in the '100% glass' = instant '100% greatness' boat of course.

Frankly I find it all very, 'blah'. Especially in comparison to some of the other, more inspired recent proposals; Picasso & 88 Scott. It is of course still better than having a precast/spandrel covered monstrosity go up in its place, but those aren't 500+ feet(exception uptown) and smack dab in the middle of downtown. Considering its proximity to buildings that will be nearly identical in appearance and the impact that it will have on the skyline, this location is deserving of something a little more high profile than this lackluster effort.
I think Aa's greatest accomplishment has not been to be original, innovative, exciting, intriguing, impartially distinguished or even truly modern: it has been to remain, so far, beyond reproach.

That's a chaste, unique merit that seems to be worth rather a great deal here.

It's quite a refined cluster that's happening around College and Yonge to Bay, with Murano, Burano, and this. Add in the possibility of a not dissimilar 501 Yonge, and the common profiles of these buildings will really be making themselves felt in short order.
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