Toronto Jack Layton Ferry Terminal and Harbour Square Park | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

No kidding - and honestly Phase 1A is like almost nothing.


Yeah, and potentially nearly worse than nothing because surely some of the new pavers and lamp standards and whatever will be damaged when/if they ever move to the next phase.
Yeah, and potentially nearly worse than nothing because surely some of the new pavers and lamp standards and whatever will be damaged when/if they ever move to the next phase.

Well the pavers are granite so it is unlikely any damage will be all that significant - and the lamp standards have held up well, so ditto. It's more the sheer non-news of it.

It has been confirmed that the first phase of this project will start immediately after Labour Day in 2017 and be finished in spring 2018. This whole project isn't yet funded but $1.8 million is available for the early stages.

The 2017-2018 work will improve the entrance to the site from Queen's Quay by making a 60-metre long promenade with trees and benches from the street to the corner of the hotel building and will improve electrical servicing and put in improved lighting in the same style as that on the promenade at East Bay Front. There are also plans to make a small play area to meet needs of local families and children lining up for the ferry.

From Dec WT Board Meeting CEO Report:
Jack Layton Ferry Terminal and Harbour Square Park Master Plan
Waterfront Toronto secured funding of $1.8 million for Phase 1A of the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Master Plan project, working in partnership with City of Toronto Parks. A Delivery Agreement to transfer the funds from the City to Waterfront Toronto will be executed by the end of this year. Phase 1A includes a section of the new promenade at the foot of Bay St., south towards the Ferry Terminal, designed to be consistent with the other promenades built along the waterfront with granite mosaic paving, new trees with Silva Cells, new play equipment for residents and ferry users, and full replacement of existing light fixtures with signature waterfront light poles. The design for Phase 1A commenced in October using funding earmarked in the initial City funding for the Design Competition. On November 17, 2016, as part of the Phase 1A design process, Waterfront Toronto met with local parents and children to discuss ideas for new play features. The results have been shared with the design team to help guide the conceptual design of the new play elements. A Phase 1A stakeholder meeting is scheduled for November 30, 2016 to review the promenade and play feature workshop findings. Construction will commence immediately following the 2017 ferry season in mid-September 2017.

So the 1.8M is Phase 1A.

Very detailed book for a tiny section of funded upgrades: 60 metres of walkway leading south from Queens Quay half way to the ferry terminal.

There's a time and a place for a properly ordered phased approach.

And then there's this.

Like, look at this -- what's depicted in this image is essentially the entirety of the scope of this phase. Ugh.

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It'll be a prettier walk to that awful ferry terminal though.

What I'm really wondering, though, is why make this phase 1A, when they could fix up stuff further from the Harbour Castle Westin, which is up for sale and a likely redevelopment site. Fix the crappy park to the west first, and it won't be a casualty during a Harbour Castle rebuild.

It'll be a prettier walk to that awful ferry terminal though.

What I'm really wondering, though, is why make this phase 1A, when they could fix up stuff further from the Harbour Castle Westin, which is up for sale and a likely redevelopment site. Fix the crappy park to the west first, and it won't be a casualty during a Harbour Castle rebuild.


I can understand why they did it - given the budget, you can't do much elsewhere either and fixing anywhere else don't provide much by the way of exposure.

It'll be a prettier walk to that awful ferry terminal though.

What I'm really wondering, though, is why make this phase 1A, when they could fix up stuff further from the Harbour Castle Westin, which is up for sale and a likely redevelopment site. Fix the crappy park to the west first, and it won't be a casualty during a Harbour Castle rebuild.


I always assumed they would negotiate with the Harbour Castle and the ferry terminal construction would be integrated into the rebuild/reno. With land swaps to make it less disorganized. Such as the removal of the lane to the east of the hotel (and allowing vehicle access to the ferry via the hotels parking lot).
From the WT April Board Meeting CEO Report:

Jack Layton Ferry Terminal and Harbour Square Park Phase 1A
Waterfront Toronto has completed the schematic design for the Phase 1A scope for the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal. Phase 1A includes 60 linear metres of promenade at the entrance to the Ferry Terminal site at Bay Street including a signage/wayfinding component and lighting throughout the park. As we commence the next phase of work Waterfront Toronto is including an additional 46 metre s of promenade to extend to the gates as a provisional item pending confirmation of funding from the City. Waterfront Toronto is currently preparing a Request for Qualifications for a general contractor and
the intent is to release the final construction drawings for tender in June. Construction for Phase 1A will commence immediately after the 2017 ferry season, in mid to late September 2017.

Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Master Plan
Waterfront Toronto is working with City Parks Forestry and Recreation to define a go-forward strategy for funding and implementation of the larger Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Master Plan. This will include establishing a funding and delivery plan, investigating the feasibility of funding a portion of the project by philanthropy/sponsorship, and modifying the plan as appropriate to provide for potential revenue generating opportunities. Following input by City Parks and Councillor McConnell, the draft plan scope, schedule, deliverables and budget will be brought to the Partnership Committee in the late summer for review and a recommendation to the Board.,+2017.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

Thank you very much for the information.
When will they start to build the phase 2 of the project ?
Thank you in advance.
