Andrew DeGroot
New Member
Is that the same official plan that has the entire length of Main shown as a BRT corridor? Or is there a different version (honest question....but this is the transit schedule listed on the city's web page). Design and Development/Official Plan/Schedule C Transit Network.pdf
I was simply focusing on the alignment of Main, which you're right from"Schedule C Transit Network" is identifies the technology as BRT for the corridor. From the legend box it does say "2006".
That is though why I wrote "and other master plan docs" because on another part of the City's website they have the "Transportation Master Plan (TMP) 2015" noting "Brampton City Council approved the draft Transportation Master Plan in principle on July 8, 2015, pending a 30-day public review period. Please find the final transportation Master Plan Report, and technical background reports below." In the final report for the TMP, page 75 figure 26, it again shows Main but this time LRT to Brampton GO. From the TMP's exec summary: "Key plans influencing this TMPU are the Province’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006), Amendment 2 to the Growth Plan (2013), Metrolinx’s The Big Move Regional Transportation Plan (2008), the Region of Peel Official Plan and Long Range Transportation Plan, as well the City of Brampton’s Strategic Plan, Official Plan and other important plans such as the Hurontario-Main Street Corridor Master Plan." (bold added).
Further: "Central to the vision of the Brampton TMPU is planning for 2041 population and employment forecasts, implementation of the Hurontario-Main Light Rail Transit (LRT) and two-way, all-day GO Rail service to the three train stations in Brampton. Coupled with the expansion of the City’s ZÜM transit network and improvements to the active transportation network, the City is providing viable options to facilitate travel by modes other than the personal automobile." (bold added).
So, in my opinion, I think it's fair to look at both maps together. There was also the HMLRT Master Plan process before that. So, I think it's also relevant for the context and what should have been considered.