Hamilton Hamilton Line B LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

I didn't realize we were trying to "sell" something.
Here I am thinking we're trying to build a connected, convenient rapid transit system. How silly of me.
Make sure there's a stop for a few high schoolers and TiCats fans to use! That's way more important than having a connecting bus that gets people around as quickly and conveniently as possible.
smh. give yours a shake, too!

How naïve. Transit investment in this province, too often, does need selling. It shouldn't be that way, of course, but it is.

We should be thanking dedicated volunteers and professional staff who work tirelessly to get transit "sold" all over the province, not chiding them for doing what's necessary.
The report was a bit painful to read. Rambling, full of spelling and factual errors. I mean, I'm sure there is a good case against LRT but the report was not coherent enough to make it. Or any point really. If you're going to spend the time/money to make a report like that, shouldn't it have a conclusion?
have no idea....never read it...don't follow the Hamilton LRT....just saw the link tweeted by someone I follow and thought "hey, there is a thread in UT that people might be interested in this"...so posted the link here without comment.
The Delta (Main @ King) doesn't make sense from a north-south bus connection perspective. Sorry.
Get rid of Scott Park and replace it with a Gage Ave stop. Simple as that.

And how do you deal with the rail tracks immediately east of Gage? The station would either need to be elevated (not gonna happen), on an incline (yeah, no), or underground (not likely).
And how do you deal with the rail tracks immediately east of Gage? The station would either need to be elevated (not gonna happen), on an incline (yeah, no), or underground (not likely).

They are two blocks east of Gage. They don't need to deal with them.
^ Exactly.

Well I watched the LRT sub-committee meeting and was sad to not hear a single thing about a Gage Ave stop.

Can't believe there's going to be a stop in front of a high school instead of at a potential bus connector. Such a joke.
For us, it is Scott Park versus Gage Ave as a choice -- as a separate station than Delta.

I am compelled to write a letter to Paul Johnson to ask about why they chose Scott Park versus Gage Ave, considering that a Gage GO station was included in Metrolinx's 125 preliminary infill station list, and as you said, connecting north-south routes (and Mr. Griffin's thesis is consistent with that). But I feel, this would not affect Delta. For strong advocacy on the switch on Scott Park versus Gage Ave, we would need volunteers.

It is not just "our organization"... It was only recently I learned Crown Point already independently sent a letter to LRT subcommittee which mentioned Gage Park access. I already knew about the Sherman Hub letter, being an active participant/volunteer in Sherman Hub. The demand is quite apparent in the community for Delta.

(Full PDF versions are in the LRT subcommitte agenda, section 5.1 and 5.8, both talking about access to Gage Park).



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Here's why a stop at Scott Park doesn't make sense:
Sherman to Scott Park = 500m
Scott Park to Ottawa = 1.3km

Now move Scott Park to Gage:
Sherman to Gage = 900m
Gage to Ottawa = 1.okm

The distances are much more equal, and it would be directly connected to a constant north-south bus feeding riders directly into the LRT line (without having to turn onto King St to link up with a yet-planned transfer node at Scott Park).

I get why your organization wants a stop at The Delta (for the obvious distance issue), but from an operational standpoint it makes more sense to simply move the Scott Park stop to Gage Ave and make sure the Ottawa stop is on the west side of the intersection to minimize distances as much as possible.
I am confused. Is Scott Park actually being used as a high school again? My mother went to Scott Park decades ago. The school was well noted for the novelty of having escalators. I recall it was shut down around 15 years ago. Did they reopen it? Am I not remembering what really happened?
I am confused. Is Scott Park actually being used as a high school again? My mother went to Scott Park decades ago. The school was well noted for the novelty of having escalators. I recall it was shut down around 15 years ago. Did they reopen it? Am I not remembering what really happened?

LMFAO Don't even get me started on how terrible the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board is!

They shut Scott Park School down in 1998, sold the land and the school was used for other private school type places.
In 2010 the HWDSB decided they wanted the land back, so they expropriated the land (with taxpayer dollars), tore down the building (with tax payer dollars) and are building a new mega high school that will house all public board students from the lower city (being bussed in using our tax payer dollars).
This new school was supposed to be open in 2015. The lot is still empty.
Once this mega school is finally built, Delta High & SJAM will be shut down. It's all poorly planned... In another 10 years, they'll just need to buy back Delta & SJAM to serve the growing population along the entire B-Line!
Here's why a stop at Scott Park doesn't make sense:
Sherman to Scott Park = 500m
Scott Park to Ottawa = 1.3km

Now move Scott Park to Gage:
Sherman to Gage = 900m
Gage to Ottawa = 1.okm
You have a point there, but I (and we) prefer 600-800 meter averages, not 1km averages.

So the math can technically becomes:
Sherman to Gage = 900m
Gage to Delta = 500m (platform shifted west of Delta)
Delta to Ottawa = 500m

Although slightly more lopsided, this averages out to ~650-675 meters mathematically, properly within the 600-800 meter range.

Let's not forget LRVs have to slow down anyway at Delta when they make the turn -- so that's a stop that doesn't materially affect LRV performance. There will be a crossing at the CP railroad tracks (Glendale), so the entire B-Line LRT section Gage through Delta may end up being a go-slow section -- I have no idea how fast LRVs will have to go near the CP tracks -- but they definitely will slow down at Delta regardless of any station there. Either way, the curve at Delta means if you wanted short stop distances, that's a perfect less-performance-impacting stop.

All B-Line platforms are 60 meters long to permit 2-LRVs (two singles, or one consist). Several of them including Ottawa are far-side platforms. This is to optimize LRT performance with traffic priority systems and countdown crosswalks. Approaching LRVs can allow the crosswalk countdown timers to finish, and then go green while LRV coasts past to far side. So some stations such as Ottawa will be 150 meters long end-to-end (platform, ramp, intersection, opposite side ramp, opposite side platform). In many cases there will be crosswalks at both ends of the platforms (albiet not all cases). And, yes, distance between Delta and many interior Gage Park destinations are similar to Gage Ave -- you're just further away from a Gage Park entrance but shorter to certain Park destinations. But that doesn't help perceptions -- and it's common one immediately relaxes when you step into the park land, letting kids blissfully run ahead of you (which you can't always comfortably until you reach a Park entrance).

Perceptions, like the above, kinda affects perceived walking distances in certain cases. But having both would be ideal, and would help raise the popularity of the park even further, and help justify the business case of a Gage Ave GO station!

DC83, I will write (Paul Johnson, Andrew Hope, etc) asking about the Scott Park versus Gage Ave issue, as I am rather curious given Andrew Hope from Metrolinx, would probably be in the know about the Gage Ave GO station. If no response, I will bring it up at one of the September consultations, to try to get an answer. In the past, the Citizen Advocacy organization has also presented a slide that includes the hypothetical Gage Ave station. Although not happening in this 10-year RER plan, it could happen subsequently. The city owns land next to the track, which is plenty of room for either a small ExhibitionGO-style platform or larger parking-garage station. Even while keeping two soccer fields at the same time (original purpose of the Lloyd Glassworks land). There are so many opinions, community is obviously much louder on Delta, but it is indeed a legitimate question that needs to be put to public record.

Especially if the city is now considering taking more time to do it properly, thanks to the Ontario Progressive Conservatives now pledging to continue funding LRT. This materially changes the pressures a little, giving more time for various advocacies (including any emerging later Scott-vs-Gage advocacies, volunteer permitting -- we can only pick so many battles; Scott-vs-Gage seems a much more uphill battle).

From an "outside-of-hamilton" perspective, like Mountain residents, when pointed out various deficiencies, they obviously raised destinations (including Gage Park) far more frequently than a Gage Ave station, and you see -- that helped make it a little bit of an easier of a battle to pick first.

The "nowhere-to-nowhere" complaint is very common by Hamiltonians given the Traffic Circle is an interim mostly non-destination (albiet that can gradually change, given the talk of GO bus connections & the newly-brought-up topic of possible park-n-ride). Adding more destinations including Gage Park helps slowly soften the outside-visitor argument further, bit by bit -- along with the Eastgate extension desired -- which needs to be done (and maybe even approved for construction by 2022 election -- or even longshot, a 2018 election surprise).

Ottawa and other similar sized cities are a clear inspiration in this regards, on incremental extensions occuring more quickly and sensibly than people's commonly referred city of transit expansion disappointments (...Toronto).

One understands sometimes we have, out of necessity, to pick battles -- and battle difficulties -- based on things like Community opinion and Mountain/Ancaster/Stoney Creek desire (Even disagreements occur, we gotta be fair but can't please everyone). And I don't always agree with other pro-LRTers but have sometimes to go along anyway -- who can also have strong opinions, too, just like anti-LRT. Too many "impossible-battles" can wear us out: Health -100, XP +10

But I will indeed bring up the Scott-vs-GageAve question and try to get an answer which may steer future advocacy steps (our org or others -- we're not the only group). Especially since the PC pledge to keep LRT, may buy us enough time. Keep tuned.
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^ That's a lot of money for two stops 500m apart.
Just lay the Ottawa St platform closer to Grosvenor than Ottawa St, and you'll save 50m right there (along with millions of dollars)!

Let's also keep in mind this is a LRT, not a streetcar so adding a stop at Delta will slow what's supposed to be a Rapid Transit Line!
I am confused. Is Scott Park actually being used as a high school again? My mother went to Scott Park decades ago. The school was well noted for the novelty of having escalators. I recall it was shut down around 15 years ago. Did they reopen it? Am I not remembering what really happened?
Politics/theatrics aside, here's the Scott Park plan:




(This is based on old 2011 plan -- the 2016 September PIC's will show something different)

Either way, developer pressure/TiCats/lobby/etc is another reason why Scott Park is far more entrenched (more difficult advocacy battle) than the "missing Delta" battle (Mountain is helping, Community is helping even without my knowledge, etc).

It's not just school... It's TiCats, it's a recreation center....

Where can I find allies to ally myself with, for a Scott-vs-Gage advocacy? (a.k.a. HELP!) At some point, pro-LRT organizations have to begin choosing which battles are best to go with. Our organization also create more enemies with the Scott-vs-GageAve advocacy -- possibly turning TiCats anti-LRT and dissing the mountain against our advocacy -- while I (and we, and other advocacy groups) create almost no new enemies with the missing-Delta.

Honestly, at this stage, it is a volunteer-energy-level issue wanting to create new enemies too -- as you already surmise, I will probably default to personally leave this specific stone unturned but if a snowball starts rolling after a city question put into public record. It's definitely a question that definitely needs to be asked and answered, given the potential Gage Ave GO station (even if it's not till the 2030s). If numerous unexpected allies show as a result, that will help! It's wrenching as several pro LRT people are TiCats fan, how can we bring the TiCats onboard?!? (If it's a station-move rather than a station-switch).

We even win more Mountain residents on our side with Gage Park/Delta advocacy...

Regardless, I (and most) will consider Delta and GageAve/Scott completely separately as two adjacent stations, not one merged station.

I WILL ask the question (& press hard for answer) on behalf of the advocacy -- but after receiving an answer. Further steps beyond is highly dependant on the answer, on what's happening at the time, and energy levels of all the local advocacies that already has a high workload. If there's further allies that pop up (including Mountain) that pops up for GageAve, that helps too. Send them in the direction of all the LRT advocacies. (Please understand I am being strongly pulled in both directions for a Scott preference and a GageAve preference, and that's not a workload I can take upon. But my spouse does participate in some Barton community events, and maybe we can draw some energies there, given Gage Ave connection to Barton, so I'll throw some trial balloons that way.

Who knows, a creative solution might come up (e.g. events/school-only platform at Scott Park, AND a Gage/Delta station, or blank-in/preserved roadspace/provisions for future station expansions based on a future GO station, etc). Given the possible permanent slower speed limit between Gage Ave and Delta, consistent ~500 meters spacing over 4 stations is Downtown Yonge subway spacing and isn't unresaonable, especially if one station is events-only. That's still express spacing for the most part. Or the station gets tweaked (e.g. closer to Gage Ave as a west-side Gage station compromise thanks to a clever unexpected property sale/swap or something). They don't have to all be built at the beginning, just road-space allowance and track alignment making it possible to fill in some stations later (e.g. upon construction of a Gage Ave GO station, and funding new bus routes, or fed funding, etc).

Ideas are welcome, to help make this easier on us.

How can we gain allies, and avoid creating enemies, to make Scott-vs-GageAve an easier battle? I see the business case, especially with multiple Gage Ave destinations including Barton and Gage GO: How do we win that without possibly also losing more than winning?

(And no: Using GageAve instead of Delta actually doesn't make it any easier at all -- see perceptions, lack of perceptual "right by Gage Park" feel, and station spacing issue. Along with the simultaneous complication of making Gage Park access harder "to sell" (dictionary: NON-monetary definition; "persuade benefits of") to residents.

P.S. Apologies on GageRd vs GageAve. Editing...Done! (Someone else inserted the error into my mind: I saw Gage Road somewhere and it stuck, even after persistent corrections. Like a catchy music tune, but I am deaf. LOL. Sigh.
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