Hamilton Hamilton Line B LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

While Mr. Dixon had his pros, and we really needed someone at the time, he did not "feel right" for HSR, IMHO ...

... I think this is a great opportunity to get a Hamilton equivalent of Andy Byford (who is relatively well liked, and working very well with Metrolinx).
^Interesting, all that is news to me. All this after management went through a shakeup after the sexual harassment scandal 2 years ago.

I'm sure city counsil will make the succession process extremely political and they'll try and drag the LRT discussions into the matter as well.
Compared to Brampton which actually did virtually no work on the LRT, and many Brampton councillors actually voted against the LRT.... This is really just a bluster of political sideshow. We already had a 15-1 favorable vote for Hamilton LRT. Most of the council will fall in line given the alternatives.

Many hired City/Metrolinx staff are already working locally, uninterrupted on Hamilton LRT, spending the first millions of the billion fund already.

P.S. Hello Brampton ;) ...did you have an LRT office like our city did? And now that our city's has been set up again?.... No? See, we're much further along than Brampton ever was. None of this is being paused, the work progresses eating into the $1B budget continually ($6M is now spent) in a progression of already-planned LRT spending (design/planning/EA amendments/etc).

Council did not dare issue a "STOP WORK" motion. Essentially, many councillors is trying this damn circus in order to abstain from voting again (after having already voted in favour) and pandering to suburbanites that, while rightfully needs a good transit expansion (I even agree) and willing to merely threaten their earlier positive vote (shame, shame) in order to get more bones thrown (e.g. more transit spending on Mountain). By the time the "reaffirm" vote occurs, more than $10M-$20M+ will have been spent, and would have to be returned.

I'll just quote this here, as a companion Hamilton LRT advocacy which works with ours (Hamilton Light Rail Initiative which focuses on urgent/existential issues and focuses on web/letters, rather than social media)

LRT update: we're getting through
Posted May 25, 2016

What an emotional roller coaster the past couple of weeks has been!

After 4 Councillor Sam Merulla's motion to reaffirm Council support for LRT spiralled into a potential disaster, it has been difficult to keep up with the daily changes. Here's an update on where we stand today.

Symbolic Vote

First, we are hearing that a vote on the lightning-rod motion will likely be deferred until September. This may seem frightening but it suggests that cooler heads are prevailing.

The motion itself has no procedural effect either way - it is purely symbolic. Council has already approved creating an LRT sub-committee and an LRT office, signing a Memorandum of Agreement with Metrolinx to design and build the LRT system, staffing the LRT office and undertaking a community outreach campaign.

Even if Council was to vote against Merulla's motion, none of these things would change. It would require a reconsideration motion and a two-thirds majority to overturn any of those decisions.

Help Them Understand

What the motion and the furore that followed have demonstrated is that a lot of people - including several members of Council - still do not seem to understand why the City and Province committed to LRT in the first place.

As engaged citizens, we can help Council understand the strategic importance of LRT while demonstrating the broad community support for this transformative change.


Our message is already getting through - over 600 people have written personal statements of LRT support and even more have endorsed the campaign on the website.

One way we can get through to more councillors is to ensure that our communications are civil and respectful.

We will have more success if we focus more on the arguments for LRT - especially the many benefits of the investment and what we risk losing if we turn it down - and less on the personalities of the councillors in question.

Councillors are humans like the rest of us, and the tone we take will influence their willingness to be receptive to the message.

Engage Local Media

Please also consider writing a letter to the editor in The Hamilton Spectator and the Hamilton Community News - especially if you live on the mountain or suburbs and recognize the value to the community as a whole.​
    • Hamilton Spectator: letters[at]thespec.com
    • Ancaster News: ddowney[at]hamiltonnews.com
    • Dundas Star: ddowney[at]hamiltonnews.com
    • Hamilton Mountain News: gordbowes[at]hamiltonnews.com
    • Stoney Creek: mpearson[at]hamiltonnews.com
Also, please consider calling into talk radio to express support for LRT with those audiences.

And of course, make sure to share your support on social media and circulate this campaign among your friends and associate networks - we need to keep building momentum and broadening the base of support throughout this critical period of uncertainty.

Questions and Answers About LRT

There is a lot of information - and a lot of misinformation - floating around about LRT. We have tried to compile a list of every common question and an accurate, factual response to each. You can find it here:


We will update this as we learn more information, receive additional questions that need answers or the facts change as the project evolves.

How They Voted

One of the most common questions is whether Council has actually voted to support LRT - a question even some councillors aren't sure about. In fact, Council has consistently voted in support of LRT on mutliple occasions dating back to 2008. You can see a compilation of every motion related to rapid transit and LRT since 2006:


And here is a breakdown of how each councillor voted on all the major LRT motions:


Thank you again for your LRT support and your incredible patience while this huge initiative slowly works through all the obstacles, roadblocks and other challenges that are common for such projects. We will get there if we keep engaging, spreading good information, building support and maintaining the sense of urgency that the occasion requires.

The Hamilton-funded 2011 Metrolinx study was good, real, legitimate work in terms of taxpayer money well spent, and this is how our LRT got funded. Certainly there are worries and concerns. But good, behind-the-scenes work is currently in progress. Community engagements are calendared, densification initiatives are already being planned, etc. The LRT department seems to be actually planning more efficiently than the HSR department, maybe because Metrolinx hires are also overlooking things, and funding is actually available to get proper planning work done. It's honestly surprising!

Meanwhile, in an adjacent tent (council chambers), the circus is in progress, but it has only started. The ticket stands are still open, and the popcorn is still for sale. There are good councillors trying their best (e.g. Matthew Green) to keep things on track. The circus includes pro-LRT going-ons in the Chamber too. For example, here's a tweet by my ward's city councillor (pro-LRT), shaming the OTHER city councillors. In the last two weeks, I've seen over 100 local meme-type images on the LRT, some created by our own councillors. And by pro-LRTers (For example, Graham Crawford @HHHamilton are a local twitterverse favourite of Hamilton LRT memes). Enjoy the popcorn.

*mic drop*

(behind-the-scenes advocacy continues)
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Hamilton has not said No at this time, and no "Stop Work" order has occured. If it happens, sure....be our guest to the MOF funds if the clowns votes no and we've missed the boat, and forced to refund Metrolinx on monies spent. Till then, it is Hamilton's own LRT, and $6M of the $1B is already spent doing planning.


Meanwhile (until any "Stop Work" order occurs) of more immediate interest is tonight there's several upcoming consultation meetings, including one tonight:


Needless to say, I'll be attending at least some of these.
Looks like more meeting from what I have listed. Will added them to my site list
I like how politicians now like to refer things to a referendum so that they don't have to take sides on anything. What's their role as politicians if they have to re-poll us for every grownup decision they have to make?
I like how politicians now like to refer things to a referendum so that they don't have to take sides on anything. What's their role as politicians if they have to re-poll us for every grownup decision they have to make?

100% in agreement. They are declining to make the decisions they were elected to make.
A lot of people have been doing a massive online social media campaign, and here's a surge of logos, thanks to artist Graham Crawford.

Here's the before and after posters -- it's still snowballing online.


....And this is the biggest one yet:
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Loud LRT political jockeying continues.
(...time for new Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones so I can sleep at night...)
(...nevermind -- I'm deaf already...)

And obviously, the usual simultaneous bout of positive news and negative news in The Hamilton Spectator (our newspaper), not included here as you can google them.

LRT office still operating, creating final plans for September 2016. Project money still being spent, council has not issued a STOP WORK ORDER motion.

Canvassing has started. The city hired staff (some of whom I personally know!) from the project funding to visit all residences and businesses along the entire corridor (which will occur twice a year), to prepare them for the LRT.




Graham Crawford is running a regular podcast locally about the Hamilton LRT. His Hamilton LRT logos are now above 300 in two posters (Poster #1 and Poster #2), and the poster keeps getting bigger.




Filomena Tassi MP endorses LRT, with suggestion of possible federal assistance (e.g. parallel initiatives).


June 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016
Open Letter from Filomena Tassi, MP Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas

I am proud to be a Hamilton Member of Parliament and proudly supportive of our government’s plan to invest $120 billion in infrastructure over the next 10 years. This targets investments in public transit and green and social infrastructure.

It will create good jobs, make our communities better places to live, and it will grow the middle class.

As the Prime Minister stated in his speech to representatives of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) earlier this month, this is “a plan that adjusts to each and every community. It is a plan that gives communities themselves the power to make crucial decisions.”

We are focused on giving municipal governments and local stakeholders decision making powers because, as he stated to the FCM, “you know what your communities need. We can’t tell you whether you need light rail or subways, better bridges or climate resilient infrastructure. That’s your job as municipal leaders – to tell us what you need, and how the federal government can help.”

So what role will the federal government play? We will set objectives for investment.

Those objectives include supporting projects that will revitalize and grow our economy, protect our communities from the very real impacts of climate change and support the social integration and inclusion of everyone in our communities.

Whether it be the discussion on the plans for the LRT here in Hamilton or any other ambitious project for green and social infrastructure, I have full confidence in our local leaders – be they elected or simply passionately engaged as citizens – to move the dialogue forward with all three levels of government and provide Hamilton with the best decisions for future planning.

I am very proud to say that I support Hamilton City Council’s several successful resolutions that choose LRT as a way forward for improved transit infrastructure in our great and thriving city.


Filomena Tassi
Member of Parliament, Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas


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LOL I specifically mentioned on Monday (when I posted the updated map) that The Delta stop had been removed. The distance between stations was part of the reason I was going on about a Gage Aveop stop!
So....DC83, on that note....

There is advocacy in progress on the Delta LRT station.
The article now published in this month's Sherman Hub community newspaper as well as RaiseTheHammer.

Because of the Gage Park talking point, the overall community has decided that Delta is a much easier overall advocacy (i.e. more likely to be added back) than the theoretical Gage Rd station. Not to mention, it doubles as a potential interchange point between a northern Main+King route (LRT express) and a southern Main+King route (allstop bus).


One month ago, with my help, spokesperson Alain H Bureau has made a presentation about the Delta station at Gage Park:



(Photo credit: Me)
Published originally in Sherman Hub community newspaper (circulation: 10,000 copies). Republished on RaiseTheHammer with permission. Also now submitted to Crown Point's community newspaper as well.


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