After watching the one linked, and being left hanging for an answer at the end, I see from the Youtube menu that there are five parts. What I watched was excellent...far more informative and *adult* than the Leader Barfathons, but I need to see all five to form a full opinion.time mark?
My most pronounced impression so far, transit details besides? (and none of the three major parties can point to actual reports, dates, and a record of accomplishment, let alone informed projection) The Green candidate.
Since it's looking like a vote for any of the Big Three is a form of masochism, and the candidates all wear plastic suits that wipe clean with a damp cloth, I'm hearing and seeing *fresh* and *honest thinking* from the Greens.
Dammit, rather than waste your vote, vote Green. Of course they won't win, but with a coalition looking all the more likely (just not being talked about) voting Green in this election is a vote invested. Kirsten impressed me. She talks my language, and she has no baggage, or peccadilloes to atone for.
I will be watching all the vids of that event later. I recommend others do same.
Addendum: Trying to make chronological sense of the five vids, will post missing links later if found, but here's the continuation of the "tunnel" point, with the PC about to displain (sic) :
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