Toronto Glasshouse Lofts | ?m | 12s | Glass House Development | Karl Fischer

  • Thread starter TheAlmightyFuzzy
  • Start date
^ Yes the east side will be covered some day. The problem is the west side of the building. Can't see the older building on the west side coming down (though I suppose they could add on top) so this will forever be a blemish.

The blocks will be clad, according to the renders:


I guess we may have to wait for the building to be completed to know the final results.

I question if there will be cladding per render because the complex is NOT made of blocks but concrete form. And someone noted that the 'blocks' was a skim-coat.
Yeah, but all the same, I find it very difficult to believe they wouldn't cover up the blocks. I would be extremely surprised. Especially considering the dramatic variation in colour between blocks.
Maybe they'll just change the name to "Blockhouse Lofts" and save some bucks.
It would be an aesthetic crime if the sides were not covered up in some manner.
There's a devil-may-care madcap zaniness to it that's actually rather endearing in a way that, for instance, the Crystal's unplanned mismatched cladding isn't.
at which point i assume they'll fix that one block that's jutting out. it can be seen in several of the photos in this thread at around the fourth / fifth floor levels.

I meant covered by another building (assuming this is the final cladding). So I can't see them fixing the block jutting out.
The blocks will be clad, according to the renders:

and renderings never embellish.

At this point, the best anyone can hope for is paint.
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