Toronto Glasshouse Lofts | ?m | 12s | Glass House Development | Karl Fischer

  • Thread starter TheAlmightyFuzzy
  • Start date
^I agree. Unlike, say, Spacing types who oppose advertising at all costs I consider wall ads to be part of the architectural fabric of the city. I love those giant painted wall advertisements and I think it would be a great way to kill two birds with one stone: covering up an ugly wall and generating some revenue at the same time.

Though "Spacing types" would be more likely to rally for a faded old party-wall Coca-Cola ad than not...
21 May 2009 photo update

Did I spot Felino sitting on his balcony this afternoon?:p


You know what would "make" this building? If they painted the balconies and that blank wall white.
Not to worry ... sooner or later, that garage will be sold and developed so you won't see THAT fugly blank wall.

Except there's a fugly blank wall on the other side that won't be covered anytime soon.
/\ Oh, but the clever crew at Illegal will probably have something to say about that! Their track record indicates that blank space and poorly cobbled together walls such as this one are much preferred over the dreaded 'ad.'
/\ Oh, but the clever crew at Illegal will probably have something to say about that! Their track record indicates that blank space and poorly cobbled together walls such as this one are much preferred over the dreaded 'ad.'

Well, we're better off having advertising companies following the bylaws. Because if they don't, why stop at the blank wall? Why not install giant billboards over heritage facades on busy streets? No one wants to live in some of these Victorians with the noise of the street, so the billboard over the windows could be more lucrative. Screw normal regulations.
What offends me about Rami and his crew is that whenever I visit his website, posts abound concerning how he's taken out the latest 3D billboard (which are often the most creative and interesting ads in the city) while I have yet to see a post about taking signs of heritage structures...

I understand that advertisers need to follow the rules, but then how about creating some laws which keep them in check while still allowing for creativity and even (gasp*) multiple dimensions (eek!)?
