This Site Plan Control application resubmission has been revised in several areas to address the comments received and matters raised through the approvals process from Children’s Services, Urban Forestry, Development Engineering, and regarding the air quality and noise reports/notes (Redpath, Golder, MECP). Revisions to drawings and reports are generally minor in nature. There have been minor refinements to items such as the soil volume, available roof space, and number of trees planted, as well as additional details provided regarding the bench, outdoor playground fence, and PV panels on the roof. Revisions were made to address Children Services comments, such as adding an exterior door to the daycare. Annotation was added upon request from ECS, and minor revisions were made to the landscape cost estimate and various reports (FSR, SWM report, HydroG report and Summary as well as the groundwater review form). In terms of project statistics, there have been minor refinements to the proposed gross floor area and floor space index, as well as to setbacks.