Developer: City of Toronto
Architect: Pedelta, DTAH, AECOM, Montgomery Sisam Architects
Address: 10 Ordnance St., Toronto
Category: Public Space / Park
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2019
Height: 288 ft / 87.90 mStoreys: 29 storeys
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Toronto Garrison Crossing (was Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge) | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | Pedelta

I do not mean to pick on you; so do not take offense to this -- but FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ONLINE PETITIONS DO NOTHING!

If there are people who want to save this bridge and want to really make an impact, DO IT IN PERSON!
I too have the belief that yes, $23 million is a little excessive for a bridge, but what it's being used for is necessary, if a re-designed, aesthetically pleasing and affordable compromise can be made, then do it. Don't just kill it!

But seriously, someone show some initiative and put faces to these petitions and protests!!!

To be fair, the motion passed wasn't too kill it (though if you want to argue that what it will lead to fine ...) it was to do basically what you said i.e. redesign it (i.e. make it cheaper). He admitted it was needed, he was objecting to the cost.
I just did send a letter.

I don't mind if there was a cheaper alternative or if better uses could be found for the 23 million. But that is not the issue here. The issue is that the expectation that the project was moving forward on schedule already existed. To cancel the process, a process that takes years, now suddenly sends the wrong message to both the community and business. The city should have decided years ago if they were going to go with a cheaper alternative. Consistency is one of the five primary characteristics of leadership. If the city isn't taking a leadership role on these kind of projects who is?

Even if they decide not to build anything that's fine but don't say you are building something and then years later don't go through with it. Amateur hour.
I just called Ford's office and gave them a piece of my mind. I know it won't change anything because the guy who I spoke to said we were "broke" and can't afford it. Hey, you gotta vent somewhere. I'm PISSED!
Next up... Cityplace bridge is cancelled. Concord Adex slips a few million to Rob-Doug in lieu of building "it".

But it's not a major inconvenience.. if you climb down the embankment around Portland, look both ways for trains, and then climb up the other embankment (might need some tackle to tackle the new concrete wall... you're over to the other side.

Please see box truss discussion... all for naught/not?

Eh Project End and Blue Jay ;-)
So it begins. Just as Toronto City Hall was beginning to invest in good architecture, Ford becomes Mayor and we're back to building truss bridges and utilitarian buildings that fulfill their use but have no architectural merit. Welcome to Toronto the ugly.

You forgot the second part: Welcome to Toronto the Ugly and Cheap.
The Ford brothers seem to take special delight in kicking over other kids' sand-castles. They're just typical jealous bullies who crave all of the attention in the room and hate it when someone else exceeds them.
You forgot the second part: Welcome to Toronto the Ugly and Cheap.

Welcome to slum City built by the Ford Nation, the city built with very few dollars. It is also the city built by the 3P's.

All public projects will be built for next to nothing with no though given to how they will look or weather down the road.

My gold is to make sure there are good road systems for me and my fellow cars drivers as it is our right to drive in the first place.

If you want something nice, you will have to fund it.

I got a Billon dollar debit to deal with and I need to put everyone on a dieted so I can live a good life style

Thank You
Mayor Robert Ford.
