Toronto Freed Hotel & Residences | 219m | 63s | Freed | AS + GG

My guess is 10 floors (excluding ground floor) - that's by counting the floors with higher ceiling height than the ones in the tower proper.

Only 2 floors are office
Love the 2 different but complimentary glazings visible. Particularly like the optics of the gallery framed windows.... this assumes the render isn't playing tricks and there's only one type of glazing ;).

Secretly wish this built form was mostly office @ 250m ... sitting on the Harbour Castle Conference Centre site (maybe keep some HPA terracing on one elevation).... pandemic and holiday season-induced digression.
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Shocking it survived this long, I suppose.
Even though there are no heritage property to be protected here, I would have loved for this to have some sort of a warm color brick component at the podium, not even thinking about the whole building brick treatment like PJ condos...

It would be nice to have this heritage architecture in the area developed part of new buildings to create a unique and uniform look for the neighbourhood

Oh wells...
That's great were getting something unique in this area with an interesting solarium pointed rooftop !
I'm not sure what everyone is so excited about. The base's form is unique and the rooftop is, too; but it's still the same type of boring glass building we're used to. It doesn't have a sense of identity and the materials aren't that great, not to mention the typical blue colour. There's a difference between uniqueness and aesthetics.
My freind this is a great looking tower. How many buildings in TO have a slop roof? Do u see the pedestrian realm, it's way better than all those 157m buildings in the area.. If the developer stick to same design and good execution it will end up good, even with same blue color. Speaking of the blue. A blue Honda and a blue Porsche are not the same.
My freind this is a great looking tower. How many buildings in TO have a slop roof? Do u see the pedestrian realm, it's way better than all those 157m buildings in the area.. If the developer stick to same design and good execution it will end up good, even with same blue color. Speaking of the blue. A blue Honda and a blue Porsche are not the same.
It really isn't, I think people in North America are too used to bland architecture, so they think something that is unique is automatically good. The glass is above average, but it's still a pretty expressionless and unpleasing building (unless you're a bird, in which case you'll like the roof). For the most part, it's just glass. If you want to see a better designed, imo, building then just look at St Clair Place (also here and here).
It really isn't, I think people in North America are too used to bland architecture, so they think something that is unique is automatically good. The glass is above average, but it's still a pretty expressionless and unpleasing building (unless you're a bird, in which case you'll like the roof). For the most part, it's just glass. If you want to see a better designed, imo, building then just look at St Clair Place (also here and here).

Yes, an opinion. And it's fine that you have one. But having an opinion on what all people in North America think about contemporary architecture is an opinion that goes a little too far.

At least that's my opinion of your opinion.
